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Mr.Craner (

Name: Mr.Craner
Rank: 555 (2 raised)
Alliance: H&W
Villages: 9
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 5,477 (0)
Registered since: 23/12/24
Playtime: 66 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 9)
Log: (Entries: 9)
23/12/24Village (-79|83) settled.
27/12/24Village (-76|83) settled.
01/01/25Village (-77|82) settled.
09/01/25Village (-82|86) settled.
18/01/25(-71|83) conquered by CptOğuzHan (- M -).
24/01/25(-71|84) conquered by CptOğuzHan (- M -).
01/02/25Village (-77|85) settled.
01/02/25Village (-77|84) settled.
14/02/25(-71|78) conquered by Saha (O.G3).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  23/12/24 till 24/12/24  (2 Days)
- M -  25/12/24 till 10/01/25  (17 Days)
LU  11/01/25 till 27/01/25  (17 Days)
H&W  28/01/25 till 03/02/25  (7 Days)
G.O  04/02/25 
H&W  since 05/02/25  (23 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Mr.Craneron Server 6 ( (2024) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -79|83 ) PEVNOST1020(settledMon 23/12/24
( -76|83 )PEVNOST0712(settledFri 27/12/24
( -71|78 )PR664(G.v. SahaFri 14/02/25
( -71|83 )PEVNOST04643(G.v. CptOğuzHanSat 18/01/25
( -77|82 )PEVNOST01628(settledWed 01/01/25
( -71|84 )PEVNOST00580(G.v. CptOğuzHanFri 24/01/25
( -82|86 )PEVNOST3518(settledThu 09/01/25
( -77|85 )PEVNOST02376(settledSat 01/02/25
( -77|84 )PEVNOST003336(settledSat 01/02/25

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