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The Ghost (

*deleted* (10/10/21)
Registered since: 23/03/21
Deletion: 10/10/21
Playtime: 201 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 24)
Log: (Entries: 24)
23/03/21Village (-58|16) settled.
23/03/21Village (-58|1) settled.
09/05/21(-52|17) conquered by الرمال الدهبيه (FL1SW).
16/05/21(-56|13) conquered by الناتار.
08/06/21(-54|-4) conquered by الناتار.
08/06/21Village (-61|-11) settled.
18/07/21(-60|-12) conquered by الجزار (F.L|SW1).
03/08/21(-134|83) conquered by الناتار.
14/08/21(-59|7) conquered by الناتار.
19/08/21(-62|-1) conquered by الناتار.
28/08/21Village (-136|79) settled.
08/09/21(-44|10) conquered by صباح الفل.
11/10/21 (-134|83) conquered by الناتار.
11/10/21 (-58|1) conquered by الناتار.
11/10/21Village (-52|17) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-60|-12) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-61|-11) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-54|-4) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-62|-1) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-59|7) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-44|10) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-56|13) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-58|16) deleted at player deletion.
11/10/21Village (-136|79) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
ARMY1  23/03/21 till 17/04/21  (26 Days)
ARMY2  18/04/21 till 23/04/21  (6 Days)
KW1  24/04/21 till 01/05/21  (8 Days)
S.B|KW1  02/05/21 till 29/06/21  (59 Days)
صامدون  30/06/21 till 03/07/21  (4 Days)
S.B|KW1  04/07/21 till 10/10/21  (99 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (18 entries)
The GHoSTon COM5 ( (Villages: 1)
The Ghoston Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 7)
The Ghoston ( (deleted)
The Ghoston ( (deleted)
The Ghoston Server 32 [] ( (deleted)
The Ghoston Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
The ghoston ( (Villages: 7)
The Ghoston Server 50 [] ( (2024) (deleted)
The ghoston Server 30 [] ( (2024) (deleted)
The ghoston Server 1 [] ( (2022) (deleted)
the ghoston Server 7 [] ( (2021) (deleted)
The Ghoston Server 6 [] ( (2021) (Villages: 9)
the ghoston Server 5 [] ( (2021) (deleted)
The Ghoston arabia1x3 ( (2021) (deleted)
The Ghoston ( (2021) (deleted)
the ghoston ( (2020) (Villages: 4)
the ghoston Server 2 ( (2020) (deleted)
the ghoston Server 1 ( (2019) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -58|16 )Las Noches(+1)(settledTue 23/03/21
( -52|17 )Utgard Castle(+1)(G.v. الرمال الدهبيهSun 09/05/21
( -56|13 )Support 1(+1)(G.v. الناتارSun 16/05/21
( -54|-4 )Support 2(+1)(G.v. الناتارTue 08/06/21
( -61|-11 )Back Up(+1)(settledTue 08/06/21
( -60|-12 )Support 3(+1)(G.v. الجزارSun 18/07/21
( -59|7 )*** تم الاحتلال ***(+1)(G.v. الناتارSat 14/08/21
( -62|-1 )** تم الاحتلال **(+1)(G.v. الناتارThu 19/08/21
( -136|79 )قرية جديدة(+1)(settledSat 28/08/21
( -44|10 )* تم الاحتلال *(+1)(G.v. صباح الفلWed 08/09/21

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -134|83 )Back Up 2855(c.t. الناتار Mon 11/10/21
( -58|1 )None1005(c.t. الناتار Mon 11/10/21
( -52|17 )Utgard Castle1007 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -60|-12 )Support 3900 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -61|-11 )Back Up657 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -54|-4 )Support 2950 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -62|-1 )** تم الاحتلال **775 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -59|7 )*** تم الاحتلال ***816 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -44|10 )* تم الاحتلال *797 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -56|13 )Support 1968 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -58|16 )Las Noches835 (deleted Mon 11/10/21
( -136|79 )قرية جديدة144 (deleted Mon 11/10/21

Player statistics