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mad (

Name: mad
Rank: 39 (2 raised)
Alliance: Aptrangr
Villages: 27 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 22,828 (+760)
Registered since: 05/02/14
Playtime: 240 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 29)
Log: (Entries: 29)
05/02/14Village (-24|-39) settled.
15/02/14Village (-26|-40) settled.
07/03/14Village (-86|-113) settled.
22/03/14Village (-86|-120) settled.
06/04/14Village (-93|-113) settled.
14/04/14 (-24|-39) conquered by Caesar (Fury).
15/04/14Village (-87|-131) settled.
21/04/14Village (-91|-115) settled.
18/05/14(-29|-43) conquered by Natars.
18/05/14Village (-78|-130) settled.
24/05/14(-18|-19) conquered by Ananke Mae.
04/06/14(-16|-19) conquered by Ananke Mae.
09/06/14(-32|-46) conquered by Natars.
20/06/14(-114|-107) conquered by baggins.
24/06/14(-24|-39) conquered by Caesar (Phoenix).
01/07/14(-9|-22) conquered by Caesar (Phoenix).
07/07/14(-28|-44) conquered by Natars.
13/07/14Village (-94|-95) settled.
19/07/14(-88|-119) conquered by hermes.
25/07/14(-92|-119) conquered by bigg_deano (WASPFO@D).
01/08/14(-93|-120) conquered by bigg_deano (WASPFO@D).
08/08/14(-19|-79) conquered by Philmars (REVEX).
15/08/14(-18|-86) conquered by Philmars (REVEX).
21/08/14(-21|-89) conquered by Langtree (REVEX).
27/08/14(-29|-87) conquered by dark-knight (REVEX).
05/09/14(-64|-120) conquered by Kitalon.
13/09/14(-28|-83) conquered by Whitefang (REVEX).
24/09/14(-24|-80) conquered by Whitefang (REVEX).
02/10/14(-27|-83) conquered by Whitefang (REVEX).
Alliance history:
BaaRaa  05/02/14 till 09/02/14  (5 Days)
Aptrangr  since 10/02/14  (236 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (23 entries)
Madon COM5 ( (Villages: 2)
MADon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 3)
madon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 3)
Madon COM6 ( (Villages: 5)
MADon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
MADon ( (deleted)
Madon ( (deleted)
madon Server 20 [] ( (deleted)
Madon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 2)
madon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 2)
MADon ( (deleted)
Madon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 1)
MADon Server 20 [] ( (deleted)
MADon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
MADon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
MADon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 38)
MADon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Madon COM2 ( (deleted)
MADon ( (deleted)
MADon Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
Madon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Madon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
madon Fire and Sand ( (2017) (Villages: 1)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -91|-115 )Oakengates997(settledMon 21/04/14
( -26|-40 )Ludlow Castle990(+22)(settledSat 15/02/14
( -29|-43 )Chiefed by avenging990(G.v. NatarsSun 18/05/14
( -93|-113 )Bridgnorth968(settledSun 06/04/14
( -18|-19 )chiefed,new owner959(G.v. Ananke MaeSat 24/05/14
( -87|-131 )Telford942(settledTue 15/04/14
( -88|-119 )alexis937(G.v. hermesSat 19/07/14
( -9|-22 )Tiberius929(+2)(G.v. CaesarTue 01/07/14
( -16|-19 )chiefed,915(G.v. Ananke MaeWed 04/06/14
( -86|-113 )Craven Arms o911(settledFri 07/03/14
( -18|-86 )..2 chiefed904(G.v. PhilmarsFri 15/08/14
( -32|-46 )4 chiefed avenging896(G.v. NatarsMon 09/06/14
( -86|-120 )Church Stretton891(settledSat 22/03/14
( -78|-130 )latest879(settledSun 18/05/14
( -28|-83 )Amethyst878(G.v. WhitefangSat 13/09/14
( -114|-107 )5 chiefed873(-10)(G.v. bagginsFri 20/06/14
( -24|-39 )Donnington866(G.v. CaesarTue 24/06/14
( -92|-119 )chiefed last842(+2)(G.v. bigg_deanoFri 25/07/14
( -28|-44 )Trench831(G.v. NatarsMon 07/07/14
( -24|-80 )Onyx803(+20)(G.v. WhitefangWed 24/09/14
( -21|-89 )2 CHIEFED772(G.v. LangtreeThu 21/08/14
( -29|-87 )newly chiefed689(+12)(G.v. dark-knightWed 27/08/14
( -27|-83 )Jasper681(-117)(G.v. WhitefangThu 02/10/14
( -93|-120 )chiefed, dean 3648(G.v. bigg_deanoFri 01/08/14
( -64|-120 )Kitsrael635(+9)(G.v. KitalonFri 05/09/14
( -19|-79 )..8 mad village610(+13)(G.v. PhilmarsFri 08/08/14
( -94|-95 )New Village592(+9)(settledSun 13/07/14

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