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Bruny (

Name: Bruny
Rank: 101 (15 raised)
Alliance: HUN
Villages: 11 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 7,035 (+1,252)
Registered since: 13/01/25
Playtime: 58 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 13)
Log: (Entries: 13)
13/01/25Village (94|-33) settled.
13/01/25Village (90|-104) settled.
17/01/25Village (89|-104) settled.
26/01/25Village (90|-114) settled.
03/02/25Village (87|-112) settled.
10/02/25Village (88|-109) settled.
17/02/25Village (91|-104) settled.
25/02/25(93|-106) conquered by Lenicka (KHO).
02/03/25(75|-101) conquered by enriqueolles (Point).
04/03/25(94|-33) destroyed.
05/03/25(83|-118) conquered by Swan (TOP X).
08/03/25(81|-114) conquered by bob (IL).
12/03/25Village (81|-115) settled.
Alliance history:
HUN  since 13/01/25  (59 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
brunyon Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 16)
Brunyon Server 2 ( (2022) (Villages: 20)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 89|-104 )02 Sanyii875(+62)(settledFri 17/01/25
( 90|-104 ) 01 Mongi742(+32)(settledMon 13/01/25
( 81|-114 )10 Kotec738(-12)(G.v. bobSat 08/03/25
( 75|-101 )08 Borja732(+68)(G.v. enriqueollesSun 02/03/25
( 93|-106 )07 Lenicka723(+49)(G.v. LenickaTue 25/02/25
( 90|-114 )03 Sólyomfalva679(+17)(settledSun 26/01/25
( 87|-112 )04 Virágmező678(+12)(settledMon 03/02/25
( 88|-109 )05 Vulkánlaka670(+55)(settledMon 10/02/25
( 83|-118 )09 Swan645(+64)(G.v. SwanWed 05/03/25
( 91|-104 )06 Rozmaringvölgy505(+107)(settledMon 17/02/25
( 81|-115 )11 AraTown48(-629)(settledWed 12/03/25

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 94|-33 )01 NewYear462 (destroyed Tue 04/03/25

Player statistics