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Nogalo (

Name: Nogalo
Rank: 516 (no change)
Villages: 11
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 6,416 (0)
Registered since: 31/05/21
Playtime: 204 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 19)
Log: (Entries: 19)
31/05/21Village (-93|52) settled.
25/06/21Village (-99|51) settled.
04/07/21Village (-103|55) settled.
19/07/21(-92|46) conquered by dombo (=B=).
01/08/21(-96|52) conquered by Natars.
08/08/21Village (-101|50) settled.
18/08/21Village (-100|50) settled.
28/08/21Village (-98|50) settled.
07/09/21(-87|46) conquered by Titan.
09/09/21 (-103|55) conquered by Crowin (RaiN™).
23/09/21(-97|47) conquered by dombo (=B=).
24/09/21Village (-99|50) settled.
25/09/21(-91|48) conquered by Natars.
09/10/21(-98|39) conquered by Natars.
18/10/21(-84|50) conquered by Natars.
26/10/21Village (-102|49) settled.
31/10/21(-101|50) destroyed.
18/11/21 (-92|46) conquered by Backspace (PHD).
01/12/21 (-87|46) conquered by Backspace (PHD).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  31/05/21 till 04/06/21  (5 Days)
NW™  05/06/21 till 20/06/21  (16 Days)
DFA  21/06/21 till 07/07/21  (17 Days)
VİTO.  08/07/21 till 09/07/21  (2 Days)
dfa1  10/07/21 
BZMIN  11/07/21 till 05/09/21  (57 Days)
PHD  06/09/21 till 30/10/21  (55 Days)
(No alliances)  since 31/10/21  (52 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (15 entries)
Nogaloon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Nogaloon ( (2018) (deleted)
Nogaloon Server 31 ( (2017) (Villages: 2)
Nogaloon Speed 3x [] ( (2015) (deleted)
nogaloon Server 5 ( (2013) (deleted)
nogaloon Speed 3x [] ( (2013) (deleted)
nogaloon Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
nogaloon ( (2013) (deleted)
NogAloon Server 7 ( (2012) (deleted)
nogaloon Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
nogaloon Server 1 ( (2012) (deleted)
nogaloon ( (2012) (deleted)
nogaloon Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
Nogaloon Server 1 ( (2011) (deleted)
nogaloon ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -93|52 )Bononia905(settledMon 31/05/21
( -96|52 )Venetiae858(G.v. NatarsSun 01/08/21
( -99|51 )Mediolanum776(settledFri 25/06/21
( -100|50 )Patavium656(settledWed 18/08/21
( -84|50 )Lugdunum651(G.v. NatarsMon 18/10/21
( -98|39 )Arretium644(G.v. NatarsSat 09/10/21
( -98|50 )Byzantium595(settledSat 28/08/21
( -91|48 )Neapolis564(G.v. NatarsSat 25/09/21
( -97|47 )Florentia504(G.v. domboThu 23/09/21
( -99|50 )Antioch256(settledFri 24/09/21
( -102|49 )Novo Selo7(settledTue 26/10/21

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -103|55 )Florentia775(c.t. Crowin Thu 09/09/21
( -101|50 )Roma877 (destroyed Sun 31/10/21
( -92|46 )Ariminum839(c.t. Backspace Thu 18/11/21
( -87|46 )Genua765(c.t. Backspace Wed 01/12/21

Player statistics