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Arteezy (

Name: Arteezy
Rank: 1966 (515 fallen)
Alliance: TR 1453
Villages: 1 (-3)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 1,113 (-1,797)
Registered since: 16/07/20
Playtime: 45 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 17)
Log: (Entries: 17)
16/07/20Village (49|49) settled.
18/07/20Village (62|28) settled.
21/07/20Village (47|52) settled.
25/07/20Village (53|52) settled.
27/07/20Village (49|53) settled.
29/07/20Village (47|49) settled.
02/08/20Village (48|48) settled.
05/08/20Village (49|48) settled.
09/08/20(49|45) conquered by Хер (BG-RUS).
14/08/20 (62|28) conquered by JesusTheDeff (Knights3).
17/08/20 (47|49) conquered by Чингиз (VIP Rus).
21/08/20 (48|48) conquered by Zombies (Knights3).
21/08/20 (49|45) conquered by Dimbas (VIP Rus).
22/08/20 (49|48) conquered by Dimbas (VIP Rus).
24/08/20 (53|52) conquered by Чингиз (BG-RUS).
26/08/20 (47|52) conquered by Dimon (VIP Rus).
27/08/20 (49|53) conquered by dejavue (BG-RUS).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  16/07/20 
TR 1453  since 17/07/20  (45 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (19 entries)
SAGon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
arteezyon Server 70 ( (2021) (deleted)
arteezyon Server 40 ( (2021) (deleted)
Arteezyon Server 31 ( (2021) (deleted)
arteezyon Server 98 ( (2020) (deleted)
arteezyon Server 99 ( (2020) (deleted)
arteezyon Server 95 ( (2020) (deleted)
arteezyon ( (2020) (deleted)
arteezyon Server 83 ( (2020) (deleted)
Arteezyon ( (2020) (Villages: 1)
Arteezyon Server 4 ( (2019) (deleted)
Arteezyon ( (2018) (Villages: 1)
Arteezyon ( (2018) (deleted)
Arteezyon ( (2018) (deleted)
Arteezyon ( (2017) (Villages: 4)
arteezyon RoA ( (2016) (deleted)
Arteezyon Speed 3x [] ( (2015) (deleted)
Arteezyon Speed 3x ( (2014) (Villages: 3)
Arteezyon Speed 3x [] ( (2014) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 49|49 )RTZ011113(settledThu 16/07/20

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 62|28 )RTZ02585(c.t. JesusTheDeff Fri 14/08/20
( 47|49 )RTZ06538(c.t. Чингиз Mon 17/08/20
( 48|48 )RTZ07477(c.t. Zombies Fri 21/08/20
( 49|45 )RTZ09638(c.t. Dimbas Fri 21/08/20
( 49|48 )RTZ08333(c.t. Dimbas Sat 22/08/20
( 53|52 )RTZ04653(c.t. Чингиз Mon 24/08/20
( 47|52 )RTZ03668(c.t. Dimon Wed 26/08/20
( 49|53 )RTZ05476(c.t. dejavue Thu 27/08/20

Player statistics