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abahdjamal (

Name: abahdjamal
Rank: 65 (no change)
Alliance: DUNE
Villages: 11
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 6,726 (0)
Registered since: 05/09/24
Playtime: 188 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 11)
Log: (Entries: 11)
05/09/24Village (-23|-70) settled.
13/09/24Village (-28|-72) settled.
29/09/24Village (-30|-76) settled.
17/10/24Village (-53|-131) settled.
05/11/24Village (-29|-75) settled.
06/12/24Village (-31|-71) settled.
23/12/24(-26|-72) conquered by Pumpkin (WG).
30/12/24Village (-54|-130) settled.
19/01/25Village (-27|-80) settled.
20/01/25Village (-29|-84) settled.
20/02/25Village (-51|-133) settled.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  05/09/24 till 25/10/24  (51 Days)
WG  26/10/24 till 18/12/24  (54 Days)
DUNE  since 19/12/24  (84 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Abahdjamalon ( (2022) (Villages: 10)
abahdjamalon Server 5 ( (2022) (deleted)
Abahdjamalon Server 4 ( (2022) (Villages: 6)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -28|-72 )02. Baha937(settledFri 13/09/24
( -30|-76 )04. Bhaa928(settledSun 29/09/24
( -53|-131 )99. Peace922(settledThu 17/10/24
( -29|-75 )03. Ahab776(settledTue 05/11/24
( -26|-72 )05. Abha771(G.v. PumpkinMon 23/12/24
( -23|-70 ) 01. Abah740(settledThu 05/09/24
( -31|-71 )06. Baah670(settledFri 06/12/24
( -54|-130 )98. ***499(settledMon 30/12/24
( -27|-80 )07. Ahba243(settledSun 19/01/25
( -29|-84 )08. BAah184(settledMon 20/01/25
( -51|-133 )Desa baru56(settledThu 20/02/25

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