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Lotr (

*deleted* (05/02/24)
Registered since: 06/09/23
Deletion: 05/02/24
Playtime: 152 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 24)
Log: (Entries: 24)
06/09/23Village (19|30) settled.
14/09/23Village (136|184) settled.
26/09/23Village (134|188) settled.
11/10/23Village (133|187) settled.
30/10/23Village (133|188) settled.
14/11/23Village (132|187) settled.
30/11/23Village (132|188) settled.
16/12/23Village (132|186) settled.
02/01/24Village (135|188) settled.
10/01/24(19|30) destroyed.
21/01/24Village (135|187) settled.
03/02/24(137|182) conquered by Jotta83 (NB™).
04/02/24(138|182) conquered by Jotta83 (NB™).
05/02/24 (136|184) conquered by Lucy (WHALE).
05/02/24 (137|182) conquered by Lucy (WHALE).
05/02/24 (138|182) conquered by Lucy (WHALE).
06/02/24 (135|187) conquered by Natars.
06/02/24Village (133|188) deleted at player deletion.
06/02/24Village (132|188) deleted at player deletion.
06/02/24Village (135|188) deleted at player deletion.
06/02/24Village (132|187) deleted at player deletion.
06/02/24Village (133|187) deleted at player deletion.
06/02/24Village (132|186) deleted at player deletion.
06/02/24Village (134|188) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  06/09/23 till 16/09/23  (11 Days)
Thief  17/09/23 till 25/09/23  (9 Days)
(No alliances)  26/09/23 
Thief  27/09/23 till 05/11/23  (40 Days)
NN+  06/11/23 till 01/01/24  (57 Days)
NB™  02/01/24 till 05/02/24  (35 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (17 entries)
LOTRon Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Lotron dynasty2x ( (deleted)
Lotron CZ1N ( (Villages: 3)
LOTRon ( (Villages: 8)
LOTRon Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
LOTRon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
LOTRon Server 1 ( (deleted)
Lotron CZ1 ( (Villages: 10)
LOTRon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
LOTRon Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
LOTRon Server 2 ( (2024) (deleted)
LOTRon Server 30 ( (2024) (deleted)
Lotron Server 7 ( (2023) (deleted)
LOTRon ( (2023) (deleted)
LOTRon Glory of Sparta x2 ( (2022) (deleted)
LOTRon Server 7 ( (2022) (deleted)
LOTRon ( (2021) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 134|188 )02 Strider(settledTue 26/09/23
( 133|187 )03 Samwise(settledWed 11/10/23
( 133|188 )04 Gandalf(settledMon 30/10/23
( 132|187 )05 Legolas(settledTue 14/11/23
( 132|188 )06 Gimli(settledThu 30/11/23
( 132|186 )07 Pippin(settledSat 16/12/23
( 135|188 )08 Merry(settledTue 02/01/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 19|30 )00 The Shire146 (destroyed Wed 10/01/24
( 136|184 )01 Frodo783(c.t. Lucy Mon 05/02/24
( 137|182 )BT 02584(c.t. Lucy Mon 05/02/24
( 138|182 )Natars 138|182694(c.t. Lucy Mon 05/02/24
( 135|187 )09 Boromir80(c.t. Natars Tue 06/02/24
( 133|188 )04 Gandalf468 (deleted Tue 06/02/24
( 132|188 )06 Gimli325 (deleted Tue 06/02/24
( 135|188 )08 Merry165 (deleted Tue 06/02/24
( 132|187 )05 Legolas402 (deleted Tue 06/02/24
( 133|187 )03 Samwise647 (deleted Tue 06/02/24
( 132|186 )07 Pippin217 (deleted Tue 06/02/24
( 134|188 )02 Strider334 (deleted Tue 06/02/24

Player statistics