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Natars (

Name: Natars
Rank: 1 (no change)
Villages: 375 (-16)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 219,037 (+888)
Registered since: 06/06/24
Playtime: 208 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 1859)
Log: (Entries: 1859)
06/06/24Village (-50|50) settled.
06/06/24Village (0|50) settled.
06/06/24Village (50|50) settled.
06/06/24Village (-1|6) settled.
06/06/24Village (6|3) settled.
06/06/24Village (-6|1) settled.
06/06/24Village (-50|0) settled.
06/06/24Village (0|0) settled.
06/06/24Village (50|0) settled.
06/06/24Village (5|-4) settled.
06/06/24Village (-3|-6) settled.
06/06/24Village (-50|-50) settled.
06/06/24Village (0|-50) settled.
06/06/24Village (50|-50) settled.
07/06/24(15|59) conquered by Twist.
07/06/24(11|56) conquered by wowza.
07/06/24(-19|53) conquered by NoAnswer.
07/06/24(19|51) conquered by Halo.
07/06/24(35|45) conquered by FireBoy.
07/06/24(12|43) conquered by bigblock.
07/06/24(19|43) conquered by Quanah.
07/06/24(25|43) conquered by Malvadão.
07/06/24(-8|42) conquered by Ccjzz.
07/06/24(-42|40) conquered by Bakkerbart2.
07/06/24(-36|39) conquered by Armonia.
07/06/24(-25|39) conquered by Magic World.
07/06/24(40|39) conquered by alom.
07/06/24(25|38) conquered by waiting.
07/06/24(38|38) conquered by Tark.
07/06/24(10|35) conquered by at adam.
07/06/24(22|34) conquered by tt661.
07/06/24(29|33) conquered by chelsea.
07/06/24(-34|28) conquered by noone22.
07/06/24(41|28) conquered by Carlos Abella.
07/06/24(55|26) conquered by Bakkerbart3.
07/06/24(-46|24) conquered by Bokeey.
07/06/24(-50|19) conquered by Сокол.
07/06/24(34|17) conquered by gg123.
07/06/24(46|15) conquered by Ajkula Drakula.
07/06/24(-48|14) conquered by Aae.
07/06/24(-58|10) conquered by z0nc.
07/06/24(-55|10) conquered by tryhard.
07/06/24(48|8) conquered by Un Barbos!.
07/06/24(57|7) conquered by HellFire.
07/06/24(56|0) conquered by ajti.
07/06/24(-52|-7) conquered by JAJ.
07/06/24(-51|-12) conquered by MindHunter.
07/06/24(42|-15) conquered by stefan665.
07/06/24(52|-22) conquered by VVM.
07/06/24(20|-23) conquered by JJJ.
07/06/24(24|-26) conquered by TTFUN.
07/06/24(-30|-27) conquered by khalbetiv.
07/06/24(12|-30) conquered by Gere&Alphin24.
07/06/24(-30|-32) conquered by F16.
07/06/24(33|-32) conquered by Ghassan Khurais.
07/06/24(-22|-33) conquered by MAX.
07/06/24(43|-34) conquered by GYNECO.
07/06/24(-41|-36) conquered by Eratosthenes.
07/06/24(22|-36) conquered by Old King.
07/06/24(43|-36) conquered by XCC.
07/06/24(38|-41) conquered by ZXZ.
07/06/24(-7|-46) conquered by Fajcito.
07/06/24(-16|-47) conquered by Temuçin.
07/06/24(-5|-49) conquered by kaas1.
07/06/24(12|-49) conquered by karahan.
07/06/24(5|-50) conquered by Kaas6.
07/06/24(18|-52) conquered by GERMN.
07/06/24(-12|-53) conquered by Optimus Maximus.
07/06/24(-11|-57) conquered by Tutankhamun.
07/06/24(-7|-58) conquered by kaprys.
08/06/24(-2|63) conquered by Alt13.
08/06/24(13|63) conquered by Thephenomenon.
08/06/24(25|53) conquered by ab14.
08/06/24(37|52) conquered by kuhtgvg.
08/06/24(17|50) conquered by Pooriya.
08/06/24(-3|46) conquered by eins.
08/06/24(45|46) conquered by Grot (LIS).
08/06/24(-48|44) conquered by Kas4aa.
08/06/24(-45|44) conquered by Alt6.
08/06/24(-47|42) conquered by Alt3.
08/06/24(-16|38) conquered by White.
08/06/24(56|31) conquered by juytrgg.
08/06/24(9|29) conquered by Ca Cao Sua Da (Ай).
08/06/24(-43|28) conquered by neun.
08/06/24(20|28) conquered by prostak.
08/06/24(53|26) conquered by ab12.
08/06/24(23|24) conquered by Birko.
08/06/24(62|15) conquered by day66.
08/06/24(39|11) conquered by Zaika.
08/06/24(-66|-1) conquered by deletein7days.
08/06/24(64|-9) conquered by castellae (TR).
08/06/24(-62|-10) conquered by Gut.
08/06/24(61|-10) conquered by jjytgg.
08/06/24(24|-21) conquered by Aizen (SS-TR).
08/06/24(60|-22) conquered by KasM02.
08/06/24(-33|-24) conquered by khalb.
08/06/24(52|-35) conquered by jhytgfg.
08/06/24(49|-38) conquered by juhgg.
08/06/24(47|-41) conquered by Alt7.
08/06/24(21|-48) conquered by rakan.
08/06/24(-31|-54) conquered by ay66.
08/06/24(-15|-63) conquered by oops.
09/06/24(2|67) conquered by oracle.
09/06/24(-25|66) conquered by JordanPeterson.
09/06/24(-27|65) conquered by flavio.
09/06/24(-36|59) conquered by NightShinobi.
09/06/24(-12|59) conquered by Nautilus.
09/06/24(-62|36) conquered by Rosa.
09/06/24(58|21) conquered by stormStr1ke.
09/06/24(72|13) conquered by Dark Fire.
09/06/24(63|3) conquered by mr.x.
09/06/24(70|-7) conquered by skrill.
09/06/24(63|-23) conquered by Cancer.
09/06/24(63|-35) conquered by ENDRIAGO.
09/06/24(-59|-41) conquered by Fers.
09/06/24(56|-44) conquered by jyggf.
09/06/24(52|-49) conquered by juyrf.
09/06/24(-43|-55) conquered by shabo.
09/06/24(33|-62) conquered by NightShinobii.
09/06/24(31|-64) conquered by juhge.
09/06/24(26|-66) conquered by byhgf.
09/06/24(-9|-69) conquered by PharoaZx.
10/06/24(57|46) conquered by secret admirer.
10/06/24(-75|5) conquered by psycotaruro.
10/06/24(24|-18) conquered by R7..
10/06/24(-53|-25) conquered by ZAZU.
10/06/24(-69|-35) conquered by Syntwulf.
11/06/24(52|61) conquered by Night Raven.
11/06/24(-64|46) conquered by Mumia.
11/06/24(-65|42) conquered by Moz.
11/06/24(-75|17) conquered by Scar face.
11/06/24(-75|13) conquered by misetius.
11/06/24(60|-48) conquered by Triple_X.
11/06/24(-39|-53) conquered by Gsus.
11/06/24(-50|-63) conquered by Chikatoshiki.
11/06/24(-24|-72) conquered by uxdi.
12/06/24(60|55) conquered by Mitko1.
12/06/24(-32|51) conquered by usahero.
12/06/24(-72|35) conquered by BorknagarSK.
12/06/24(57|34) conquered by Odin.
12/06/24(-76|31) conquered by medutis88.
12/06/24(-43|-4) conquered by ToJsiTy.
12/06/24(-73|-9) conquered by Nahsay.
12/06/24(30|-9) conquered by Kousei.
12/06/24(34|-9) conquered by xj5.
12/06/24(-49|-11) conquered by groix56.
12/06/24(-48|-67) conquered by Flutter.
13/06/24(-52|47) conquered by Gabi77cs.
13/06/24(-73|39) conquered by markk.
13/06/24(-79|27) conquered by ddeyja.
13/06/24(-38|18) conquered by Sebysebyseby.
13/06/24(-73|-13) conquered by inverse.
13/06/24(9|-35) conquered by swzaqcdex.
13/06/24(1|-67) conquered by woeda.
13/06/24(9|-71) conquered by Txialivala.
14/06/24(5|86) conquered by Golden Gauls.
14/06/24(-3|85) conquered by ALFA111.
14/06/24(45|73) conquered by FIL.
14/06/24(-33|44) conquered by Steppe Master (Kgs).
14/06/24(11|41) conquered by yalan77.
14/06/24(63|33) conquered by Alex.
14/06/24(83|24) conquered by FILS.
14/06/24(0|15) conquered by Player 9 (SS-TR).
14/06/24(79|-30) conquered by Yzb.
14/06/24(15|-49) conquered by TheKing (SS-TR).
14/06/24(12|-75) conquered by arezu.
14/06/24(-30|-79) conquered by Vladmir (SWAT).
15/06/24(-13|56) conquered by Kunot.
15/06/24(77|43) conquered by Novaxeria.
15/06/24(19|38) conquered by Santas Helper.
15/06/24(-7|36) conquered by Xi Qian (Kgs).
15/06/24(24|31) conquered by Senilix.
15/06/24(27|30) conquered by Nanya_King2.
15/06/24(-12|28) conquered by Loading....
15/06/24(38|26) conquered by Zma1.
15/06/24(19|-25) conquered by Immobilize.
15/06/24(10|-30) conquered by Godzila (SS-TR).
15/06/24(2|-32) conquered by can.
15/06/24(6|-45) conquered by stary drwal (SS-TR).
15/06/24(1|-61) conquered by Mailtoto.
15/06/24(20|-79) conquered by fusion (~VKS~).
15/06/24(-12|-82) conquered by Verde.
15/06/24(-29|-83) conquered by Barnas.
16/06/24(58|51) conquered by Smuggler (SM).
16/06/24(37|4) conquered by Tornado (NE 2).
16/06/24(89|1) conquered by Golden Lolly.
16/06/24(63|-7) conquered by Tordos.
16/06/24(21|-27) conquered by Panzer.
16/06/24(-56|-34) conquered by hihaho.
16/06/24(70|-43) conquered by Arleigh.
16/06/24(-23|-46) conquered by The Devil (MRTKI).
16/06/24(46|-47) conquered by Bnmc.
16/06/24(-4|-62) conquered by Daw.
17/06/24(-19|89) conquered by sol.
17/06/24(-17|62) conquered by KleintJ (OLDTR).
17/06/24(23|61) conquered by Fox.
17/06/24(80|28) conquered by Archie.
17/06/24(75|8) conquered by littles420.
17/06/24(68|-18) conquered by Bugatti.
17/06/24(-65|-28) conquered by kotva.
17/06/24(-40|-58) conquered by Lidor.
17/06/24(-39|-62) conquered by Gaddarp.
17/06/24(39|-75) conquered by offensive111.
18/06/24(17|75) conquered by balgam22.
18/06/24(-67|53) conquered by Kuruluş osman.
18/06/24(-70|29) conquered by Aksar1453.
18/06/24(-50|-58) conquered by nefertiti.
18/06/24(-45|-63) conquered by Sitter2.
19/06/24(-5|72) conquered by Shrike.
19/06/24(-44|47) conquered by Diamond.
19/06/24(-65|27) conquered by Raffsky.
19/06/24(46|-50) conquered by Scorpion14.
19/06/24(-31|-57) conquered by KOK.
19/06/24(-55|-58) conquered by alezmoroni.
19/06/24(41|-68) conquered by Hadrian.
20/06/24 (0|15) conquered by Cezaris (TDE).
20/06/24(12|92) conquered by Venom.
20/06/24(-62|68) conquered by nopa.
20/06/24(-80|44) conquered by vanet.
20/06/24(38|10) conquered by Jacob213.
20/06/24(-33|2) conquered by alesal.
20/06/24(35|-10) conquered by AlphaPredator.
20/06/24(1|-35) conquered by Fandorin.
20/06/24(7|-36) conquered by Scar.
20/06/24(21|-44) conquered by Power of God.
20/06/24(34|-54) conquered by Yoda81.
20/06/24(16|-86) conquered by Klymar.
20/06/24(-1|-91) conquered by chapi.
21/06/24(-6|95) conquered by mafuko.
21/06/24(-27|91) conquered by kara1.
21/06/24(3|84) conquered by meraklimahmut.
21/06/24(47|68) conquered by amirali.
21/06/24(-52|63) conquered by Darka.
21/06/24(-62|62) conquered by Coder.21.
21/06/24(61|58) conquered by darkai12.
21/06/24(68|50) conquered by loll.
21/06/24(70|46) conquered by هشــام.
21/06/24(59|-42) conquered by Assassinet.
21/06/24(34|-83) conquered by DonDonny.
22/06/24(51|68) conquered by SwiftyAtoms.
22/06/24(10|48) conquered by Ka Mil.
22/06/24(5|40) conquered by educps.
22/06/24(74|-11) conquered by 31smaj.
22/06/24(-64|-27) conquered by Atic (_ A _).
22/06/24(-26|-29) conquered by bade.
23/06/24(37|78) conquered by rrrrr.
23/06/24(-61|61) conquered by Khazein.
23/06/24(79|37) conquered by Haskona.
23/06/24(0|34) conquered by Spearman.
23/06/24(-47|33) conquered by kleinkeiser (OLDTR).
23/06/24(-122|12) conquered by Æliens (TDE+).
23/06/24(-84|-20) conquered by Shevket.
23/06/24(-12|-61) conquered by جأك الموت.
23/06/24(34|-76) conquered by Shamir.
23/06/24(-54|-78) conquered by PreisingerD.
23/06/24(-9|-88) conquered by Fekry.
24/06/24(-6|88) conquered by Maman (.).
24/06/24(35|56) conquered by Krümel (JM).
24/06/24(23|38) conquered by Frick.
24/06/24(-83|32) conquered by curfdogg.
24/06/24(-75|30) conquered by leyhhul.
24/06/24(-26|23) conquered by poliferi.
24/06/24(81|6) conquered by A.M..
24/06/24(-80|-4) conquered by Lottaxx.
24/06/24(87|-21) conquered by BeacHboY o.O.
24/06/24(81|-38) conquered by Tsunamy.
24/06/24(-55|-56) conquered by Vgf.
24/06/24(-50|-60) conquered by Vgt.
24/06/24(40|-69) conquered by Wsxcde21.
24/06/24(63|-73) conquered by Vukasin.
24/06/24(-17|-80) conquered by Popo.
24/06/24(-7|-82) conquered by adi.
25/06/24 (-64|-27) conquered by BluKK (TDE).
25/06/24(-15|90) conquered by Morak.
25/06/24(0|58) conquered by jogador7.
25/06/24(14|52) conquered by 3332a.
25/06/24(29|46) conquered by 123aa.
25/06/24(-72|22) conquered by Nexus (OLIVE).
25/06/24(74|2) conquered by Bountyhunter.
25/06/24(56|-7) conquered by hades.
25/06/24(54|-8) conquered by jogador2.
25/06/24(-52|-13) conquered by orc.
25/06/24(59|-48) conquered by La Baze.
26/06/24 (-122|12) conquered by xaron (~TCD~).
26/06/24(-5|59) conquered by Mike 1524.
26/06/24(-7|47) conquered by Uiup.
26/06/24(-30|31) conquered by Rtr.
26/06/24(89|13) conquered by Tm69.
26/06/24(-49|12) conquered by diseeTM.
26/06/24(48|-8) conquered by Kaas8.
26/06/24(-17|-38) conquered by Extreme.
26/06/24(-15|-40) conquered by Rocco.
26/06/24(-29|-42) conquered by Emma.
26/06/24(-8|-44) conquered by Sinuhe.
26/06/24(-4|-51) conquered by Ramona.
26/06/24(-59|-78) conquered by AbateBusoni.
26/06/24(1|-91) conquered by Kaldunn (YXI).
27/06/24 (-5|59) conquered by chidos (Ой).
27/06/24 (30|-9) conquered by Gere&Alphin (Ай).
27/06/24 (1|-61) conquered by suphikagan (VIKNG).
27/06/24(4|52) conquered by Dred.
... All (1859)
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  since 06/06/24  (209 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (100 entries)
Natarson ( (Villages: 82)
Natarson ( (Villages: 442)
Natarson ( (Villages: 138)
Natarson ( (Villages: 103)
Natarson ( (Villages: 235)
Natarson Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 432)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 328)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 912)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 357)
Natarson Server 32 ( (Villages: 394)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 507)
Natarson Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 94)
Natarson ( (Villages: 304)
Natarson ( (Villages: 99)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 247)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 353)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 2356)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 652)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 145)
Natarson Server 2 ( (Villages: 1311)
Natarson ( (Villages: 91)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 859)
Natarson ( (Villages: 2)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 534)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 358)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 2799)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 483)
Natarson Server 31 ( (Villages: 137)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 474)
Natarson Server 1 ( (Villages: 1034)
Natarson ( (Villages: 269)
Natarson Server 20 ( (Villages: 171)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1672)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 309)
Natarson ( (Villages: 51)
Natarson Server 9 ( (Villages: 446)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 903)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 257)
Natarson ( (Villages: 218)
Natarson ( (Villages: 572)
Natarson ( (Villages: 909)
Natarson ( (Villages: 267)
Natarson ( (Villages: 223)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 302)
Natarson Server 8 ( (Villages: 673)
Natarson ( (Villages: 91)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 94)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 885)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 277)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 145)
Natarson Server 7 ( (Villages: 472)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 109)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 663)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 91)
Natarson Server 6 ( (Villages: 340)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 55)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 2356)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 390)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 412)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 77)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 134)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 122)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 86)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 184)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2024) (Villages: 146)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 112)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 70)
Natarson Server 4 ( (2024) (Villages: 169)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 60)
Natarson Server 3 ( (2024) (Villages: 308)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 87)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 55)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 220)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 63)
Natarson Server 2 ( (2024) (Villages: 31)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 61)
Natarson Server 1 ( (2024) (Villages: 222)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 116)
Natarson Server 9 ( (2024) (Villages: 305)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 105)
Natarson Server 10 ( (2023) (Villages: 284)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 91)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 53)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 80)
Natarson Server 8 ( (2023) (Villages: 61)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2023) (Villages: 149)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2023) (Villages: 53)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 83)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 140)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2023) (Villages: 126)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 154)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 353)
Natarson Server 5 ( (2023) (Villages: 62)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 33)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 141)
Natarson Server 4 ( (2023) (Villages: 369)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 64)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 62)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 66)
Natarson Server 3 ( (2023) (Villages: 524)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -50|-50 )22. WW Tower1263(+136)(settledThu 06/06/24
( 2|-32 )Šalčininkai.....1090(+23)(G.v. canSat 15/06/24
( 52|-49 )Jakku1027(G.v. juyrfSun 09/06/24
( 46|-50 )Hoth1019(G.v. Scorpion14Wed 19/06/24
( 59|-42 )Dantooine1016(+8)(G.v. AssassinetFri 21/06/24
( 70|-43 )Kessel1013(+8)(G.v. ArleighSun 16/06/24
( 63|-35 )Ferrix1013(+4)(G.v. ENDRIAGOSun 09/06/24
( 56|-44 )Kamino1004(+25)(G.v. jyggfSun 09/06/24
( -50|-60 )IDEA21002(G.v. VgtMon 24/06/24
( 53|26 )HERMOPOLIS989(+4)(G.v. ab12Sat 08/06/24
( -7|36 )99.1 Dorf986(G.v. Xi QianSat 15/06/24
( 60|-48 )Yavin983(G.v. Triple_XTue 11/06/24
( -50|-63 )VAREGO981(+11)(G.v. ChikatoshikiTue 11/06/24
( 79|-30 )Tanalorr975(+65)(G.v. YzbFri 14/06/24
( 0|0 ) Natars969(+43)(settledThu 06/06/24
( 41|28 )CROCODILOPOLIS963(+12)(G.v. Carlos AbellaFri 07/06/24
( 20|-23 )00012 ❌956(+4)(G.v. JJJFri 07/06/24
( 55|26 )AMARNA949(+6)(G.v. Bakkerbart3Fri 07/06/24
( 33|-32 )00010 ✨946(G.v. Ghassan KhuraisFri 07/06/24
( 63|-73 )The Spot_08937(G.v. VukasinMon 24/06/24
( -75|17 )7.Amsterdam935(G.v. Scar faceTue 11/06/24
( -3|46 )WW-세종930(+4)(G.v. einsSat 08/06/24
( 64|-9 )duchess925(+20)(G.v. castellaeSat 08/06/24
( 60|55 )대전 근위d925(+5)(G.v. Mitko1Wed 12/06/24
( 57|46 )창원 보물창d923(+6)(G.v. secret admirerMon 10/06/24
( 43|-36 )00011 ❗922(-20)(G.v. XCCFri 07/06/24
( -33|2 )23 Dorf922(G.v. alesalThu 20/06/24
( 0|58 )16918(G.v. jogador7Tue 25/06/24
( 72|13 )00.P917(G.v. Dark FireSun 09/06/24
( 63|-7 )queen916(+14)(G.v. TordosSun 16/06/24
( 61|-10 )duke904(+13)(G.v. jjytggSat 08/06/24
( 1|-91 )#009#902(G.v. KaldunnWed 26/06/24
( 22|-36 )Zeekr008901(-2)(G.v. Old KingFri 07/06/24
( 89|1 )XY26CCexp900(+20)(G.v. Golden LollySun 16/06/24
( 21|-27 )Zeekr005900(G.v. PanzerSun 16/06/24
( 39|-75 )16 B897(+29)(G.v. offensive111Mon 17/06/24
( 34|-76 )c7 B897(+15)(G.v. ShamirSun 23/06/24
( 11|41 ){22} Echternach, LU892(G.v. yalan77Fri 14/06/24
( -44|47 )009*0****891(G.v. DiamondWed 19/06/24
( 16|-86 )c8 B887(+13)(G.v. KlymarThu 20/06/24
( 41|-68 )17 B884(+23)(G.v. HadrianWed 19/06/24
( 24|-26 )Zeekr009882(-4)(G.v. TTFUNFri 07/06/24
( 40|-69 )18 B880(+14)(G.v. Wsxcde21Mon 24/06/24
( 19|43 ){26} Positano, IT879(G.v. QuanahFri 07/06/24
( 62|15 )00.N878(G.v. day66Sat 08/06/24
( -75|5 )[10] Istanbul877(+30)(G.v. psycotaruroMon 10/06/24
( 23|61 )충북876(+15)(G.v. FoxMon 17/06/24
( 63|33 )07875(+6)(G.v. AlexFri 14/06/24
( -43|-4 )XY24873(+27)(G.v. ToJsiTyWed 12/06/24
( 25|43 )PS41 M867(+1)(G.v. MalvadãoFri 07/06/24
( -58|10 )XY28C865(+21)(G.v. z0ncFri 07/06/24
( -27|65 )29 Den Burg865(G.v. flavioSun 09/06/24
( -48|-67 )11 Going Merry864(G.v. FlutterWed 12/06/24
( -55|10 )XY30863(+12)(G.v. tryhardFri 07/06/24
( 57|34 )B07//862(G.v. OdinWed 12/06/24
( 25|53 )PS40 M862(+2)(G.v. ab14Sat 08/06/24
( 80|28 )00.Q860(G.v. ArchieMon 17/06/24
( 17|75 )27. Rifenmist860(G.v. balgam22Tue 18/06/24
( 25|38 )XY27860(+10)(G.v. waitingFri 07/06/24
( -7|47 )27 Van plezier855(G.v. UiupWed 26/06/24
( -25|66 )28 Het tocht hier853(G.v. JordanPetersonSun 09/06/24
( -39|-62 )Chief'd By TDE+848(+14)(G.v. GaddarpMon 17/06/24
( 77|43 )10846(+2)(G.v. NovaxeriaSat 15/06/24
( -30|-27 )XY25H844(+26)(G.v. khalbetivFri 07/06/24
( -50|19 )No16840(+19)(G.v. СоколFri 07/06/24
( 47|68 )Natars 47|68838(+15)(G.v. amiraliFri 21/06/24
( -11|-57 )WW Greenland835(G.v. TutankhamunFri 07/06/24
( 43|-34 )Izboksan si834(+7)(G.v. GYNECOFri 07/06/24
( 35|45 )Natars 35|45832(+22)(G.v. FireBoyFri 07/06/24
( -4|-51 )17831(G.v. RamonaWed 26/06/24
( -52|63 )25 Malle Babe830(G.v. DarkaFri 21/06/24
( -36|59 )Hanoi828(G.v. NightShinobiSun 09/06/24
( 46|-47 )12.EQUALIZER827(G.v. BnmcSun 16/06/24
( -9|-88 )#021#!!!827(G.v. FekrySun 23/06/24
( -48|14 )No18827(+34)(G.v. AaeFri 07/06/24
( -59|-78 )10 Jimbe826(G.v. AbateBusoniWed 26/06/24
( 45|46 )Natars 45|46826(+39)(G.v. GrotSat 08/06/24
( 75|8 )Hunor faluja825(G.v. littles420Mon 17/06/24
( 45|73 )21 NİTRO824(-31)(G.v. FILFri 14/06/24
( -62|36 )San.824(+3)(G.v. RosaSun 09/06/24
( 33|-62 )Karibou08821(G.v. NightShinobiiSun 09/06/24
( -54|-78 )Chief'd By TDE+820(G.v. PreisingerDSun 23/06/24
( -22|-33 )14. Ekko818(G.v. MAXFri 07/06/24
( -32|51 )Da Nang818(G.v. usaheroWed 12/06/24
( 56|31 )13816(+4)(G.v. juytrggSat 08/06/24
( 19|51 )005816(G.v. HaloFri 07/06/24
( 48|8 )19 GAIA810(G.v. Un Barbos!Fri 07/06/24
( 38|26 )XY31H809(+13)(G.v. Zma1Sat 15/06/24
( -45|-63 )Chief'd By TDE+809(+8)(G.v. Sitter2Tue 18/06/24
( -59|-41 )WW Congo807(G.v. FersSun 09/06/24
( 9|-71 )25 A806(+13)(G.v. TxialivalaThu 13/06/24
( 39|11 )16 ATLANTE806(G.v. ZaikaSat 08/06/24
( -62|68 )Halong Bay804(G.v. nopaThu 20/06/24
( -17|-80 )21. Happy Smith802(G.v. PopoMon 24/06/24
( 11|56 )20. Yug'Voril800(G.v. wowzaFri 07/06/24
( -62|62 )Ho Chi Minh799(G.v. Coder.21Fri 21/06/24
( 46|15 )25 TESEO798(G.v. Ajkula DrakulaFri 07/06/24
( -79|27 )Natars -79|27798(+14)(G.v. ddeyjaThu 13/06/24
( -19|53 )Комбо795(G.v. NoAnswerFri 07/06/24
( 29|33 )Natars 29|33792(+7)(G.v. chelseaFri 07/06/24
( 34|-83 )29 B790(+27)(G.v. DonDonnyFri 21/06/24
... All (289)

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 0|15 )Natars 0|1569(c.t. Cezaris Thu 20/06/24
( -64|-27 )Natars -64|-27404(c.t. BluKK Tue 25/06/24
( -122|12 )Natars -122|12327(c.t. xaron Wed 26/06/24
( -5|59 )Natars -5|59518(c.t. chidos Thu 27/06/24
( 30|-9 )Natars 30|-9270(c.t. Gere&Alphin Thu 27/06/24
( 1|-61 )Natars 1|-61423(c.t. suphikagan Thu 27/06/24

Player statistics