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The Godfather (

Name: The Godfather
Rank: 997 (866 fallen)
Villages: 4 (-9)
Settled villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 1,379 (-7,245)
Registered since: 19/02/25
Playtime: 11 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 22)
Log: (Entries: 22)
19/02/25Village (-39|38) settled.
19/02/25Village (-39|33) settled.
19/02/25Village (-40|33) settled.
19/02/25Village (-41|33) settled.
19/02/25Village (-39|34) settled.
19/02/25Village (-41|34) settled.
19/02/25Village (-42|34) settled.
19/02/25Village (-43|34) settled.
19/02/25Village (-38|35) settled.
19/02/25Village (-39|35) settled.
19/02/25Village (-40|35) settled.
19/02/25Village (-41|35) settled.
20/02/25Village (-41|32) settled.
25/02/25(-41|33) destroyed.
26/02/25 (-40|33) conquered by El_Rubioo_93 (SHL).
26/02/25 (-41|34) conquered by Laratajack (SHL).
26/02/25 (-42|34) conquered by Laratajack (SHL).
26/02/25 (-43|34) conquered by xBlaster13 (SHL).
26/02/25 (-39|35) conquered by JHOREPA (SHL).
26/02/25 (-41|35) conquered by Laratajack (SHL).
27/02/25 (-40|35) conquered by Bastian (SHL).
27/02/25 (-39|34) conquered by xBlaster13 (SHL).
Alliance history:
SHL.  19/02/25 till 23/02/25  (5 Days)
(No alliances)  since 24/02/25  (7 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (14 entries)
The Godfatheron ( (Villages: 4)
The GodFatheron ( (Villages: 1)
The Godfatheron Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 20 ( (2024) (Villages: 32)
The Godfatheron Server 6 ( (2024) (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 5 ( (2023) (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 4 ( (2023) (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 100 ( (2022) (Villages: 19)
THE GODFATHERon Glory of Sparta x3 ( (2022) (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 8 ( (2022) (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 5 ( (2022) (deleted)
The Godfatheron Server 20 ( (2021) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -39|38 ) 01 - The Godfather746(-58)(settledWed 19/02/25
( -39|33 )11 - The Godfather257(settledWed 19/02/25
( -38|35 )12 - The Godfather256(settledWed 19/02/25
( -41|32 )13 - The Godfather120(settledThu 20/02/25

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -41|33 )02 - The Godfather927 (destroyed Tue 25/02/25
( -40|33 )06 -The Godfather693(c.t. El_Rubioo_93 Wed 26/02/25
( -41|34 )05 - The Godfather782(c.t. Laratajack Wed 26/02/25
( -42|34 )04 - The Godfather796(c.t. Laratajack Wed 26/02/25
( -43|34 )03 - The Godfather1119(c.t. xBlaster13 Wed 26/02/25
( -39|35 )09 - The Godfather701(c.t. JHOREPA Wed 26/02/25
( -41|35 )08 - The Godfather707(c.t. Laratajack Wed 26/02/25
( -40|35 )07 - The Godfather704(c.t. Bastian Thu 27/02/25
( -39|34 )10 - The Godfather670(c.t. xBlaster13 Thu 27/02/25

Player statistics