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efransiyap (

Name: efransiyap
Rank: 259 (13 raised)
Alliance: STG
Villages: 13 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 8,669 (+834)
Registered since: 06/03/22
Playtime: 35 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 13)
Log: (Entries: 13)
06/03/22Village (68|84) settled.
06/03/22Village (67|83) settled.
06/03/22Village (6|34) settled.
06/03/22Village (-6|33) settled.
07/03/22Village (67|81) settled.
10/03/22(69|82) conquered by Pajka.
13/03/22(60|75) conquered by sahar19963 (S.B.L).
20/03/22(49|76) conquered by Natars.
25/03/22(77|69) conquered by mystic (A).
26/03/22(54|78) conquered by Orcor.
27/03/22(75|89) conquered by JDMCAR (STG).
03/04/22(46|71) conquered by Si.Ali.
08/04/22(94|92) conquered by Dr House (!GS!).
Alliance history:
STRNG  06/03/22 till 12/03/22  (7 Days)
STG  since 13/03/22  (29 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Efransiyapon ( (2022) (deleted)
efransiyapon Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 11)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 68|84 ) 00) Kızıl Tamu1224(+36)(settledSun 06/03/22
( 6|34 )01) Göktürk816(+39)(settledSun 06/03/22
( 49|76 )07) Semerkant729(+65)(G.v. NatarsSun 20/03/22
( 46|71 )11) Bozkurt721(+85)(G.v. Si.AliSun 03/04/22
( 75|89 )10)Trabzon686(+50)(G.v. JDMCARSun 27/03/22
( 94|92 )12) İsfehan675(-47)(G.v. Dr HouseFri 08/04/22
( 60|75 )06) Altay614(+12)(G.v. sahar19963Sun 13/03/22
( 67|81 )05) Ergenekon561(+4)(settledMon 07/03/22
( 69|82 )04) Buhara561(+5)(G.v. PajkaThu 10/03/22
( 77|69 )08)Anadolu541(+7)(G.v. mysticFri 25/03/22
( 67|83 )03) Ötüken534(+6)(settledSun 06/03/22
( 54|78 )09) Salurkazan521(+17)(G.v. OrcorSat 26/03/22
( -6|33 )02) Uçmak486(-167)(settledSun 06/03/22

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