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مدمر الاعداء (

Name: مدمر الاعداء
Rank: 97 (12 fallen)
Alliance: L9
Villages: 18
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 13,186 (+449)
Registered since: 18/10/22
Playtime: 36 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 20)
Log: (Entries: 20)
18/10/22Village (23|78) settled.
18/10/22Village (24|78) settled.
18/10/22Village (25|78) settled.
18/10/22Village (24|77) settled.
18/10/22Village (9|41) settled.
19/10/22(29|81) conquered by Royal.
20/10/22(31|73) conquered by NoxMatBin.
22/10/22(26|68) conquered by Çapanoğlu (-FTG).
25/10/22(34|74) conquered by Slacher81.
25/10/22(32|71) conquered by Natars.
28/10/22(19|44) conquered by S.K.
29/10/22Village (17|-161) settled.
31/10/22(17|-161) destroyed.
01/11/22(18|67) conquered by ispanico (SK.4).
02/11/22(21|65) conquered by Natars.
04/11/22(35|70) conquered by eurotix (WORLD).
04/11/22(41|62) conquered by ELL (WORLD).
12/11/22(28|69) conquered by deathofmatch (Trx).
12/11/22(32|68) conquered by prince (SK 2).
16/11/22(-50|-50) conquered by Natars.
Alliance history:
SK  18/10/22 till 20/11/22  (34 Days)
L9  since 21/11/22  (3 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (9 entries)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 9 ( (Villages: 2)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 7 ( (deleted)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 3)
مدمر الاعداءon ( (2024) (deleted)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 2)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 5 ( (2024) (deleted)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 2)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
مدمر الاعداءon Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 21)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 24|78 ) Hard To Get1041(-50)(settledTue 18/10/22
( 29|81 )Noobs1019(+101)(G.v. RoyalWed 19/10/22
( 23|78 )03870(+27)(settledTue 18/10/22
( 25|78 )02869(settledTue 18/10/22
( 24|77 )05830(+5)(settledTue 18/10/22
( 31|73 )04820(G.v. NoxMatBinThu 20/10/22
( 21|65 )abu fahd805(+12)(G.v. NatarsWed 02/11/22
( 9|41 )01757(settledTue 18/10/22
( 19|44 )010742(G.v. S.KFri 28/10/22
( 34|74 )09714(G.v. Slacher81Tue 25/10/22
( 32|71 )08711(G.v. NatarsTue 25/10/22
( 18|67 )011686(+41)(G.v. ispanicoTue 01/11/22
( 26|68 )07650(+2)(G.v. ÇapanoğluSat 22/10/22
( 35|70 )012637(+30)(G.v. eurotixFri 04/11/22
( 41|62 )013636(+36)(G.v. ELLFri 04/11/22
( 32|68 )014557(+12)(G.v. princeSat 12/11/22
( -50|-50 )SK465(+209)(G.v. NatarsWed 16/11/22
( 28|69 )015377(+24)(G.v. deathofmatchSat 12/11/22

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 17|-161 )01159 (destroyed Mon 31/10/22

Player statistics