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Morpheus (

Name: Morpheus
Rank: 11 (3 fallen)
Alliance: [M]
Villages: 40
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 33,453 (-6)
Registered since: 26/04/11
Playtime: 322 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 46)
Log: (Entries: 46)
26/04/11Village (58|106) settled.
09/05/11Village (55|106) settled.
22/05/11Village (56|104) settled.
30/05/11Village (59|102) settled.
07/06/11Village (53|105) settled.
14/06/11Village (59|99) settled.
10/07/11(63|94) conquered by biscuit (Btk-$$ Z).
10/07/11(66|90) conquered by Jair Ohmsford.
16/07/11(63|93) conquered by Te Apro (Traditi).
19/07/11(72|100) conquered by Step-AsR.
28/07/11(39|105) conquered by gio34 (UWS).
05/08/11(40|105) conquered by gio34 (UWS).
13/08/11(60|96) conquered by tarvos (ØNE-AWE).
20/08/11(71|96) conquered by piterpan25 (DRACO).
01/09/11(59|104) conquered by Giulighan (UWS).
05/09/11(85|119) conquered by Natar.
11/09/11(89|109) conquered by unltd (ØNE-AWE).
18/09/11(160|36) conquered by fulmine (ØNE-AWE).
24/09/11 (160|36) conquered by Harlequin (RELAX).
24/09/11(80|103) conquered by unltd.
28/09/11(59|106) conquered by neleb.
05/10/11(63|85) conquered by steee.
13/10/11(123|119) conquered by icarofree (Btk$$LS).
18/10/11(95|87) conquered by lixiardi (ÆSPQT).
26/10/11(40|158) conquered by VALERIO9 (DI@BBLO).
07/11/11(29|93) conquered by Steel Thunder (Btk-$$ Z).
07/11/11(32|93) conquered by Steel Thunder (Btk-$$ Z).
15/11/11(30|133) conquered by iguanaaa.
02/12/11(55|112) conquered by umberto magno (ØNE[M]).
06/12/11(38|119) conquered by tunonno ([M]).
06/12/11(50|125) conquered by umberto magno (ØNE[M]).
14/12/11(53|132) conquered by roby-colo (ØNE-AWE).
18/12/11(125|119) conquered by icarofree (Btk$$Pß™).
24/12/11(73|36) conquered by caiofulviocelio (HAMMER).
05/01/12(20|113) conquered by DISTRUCTOR (ØNE[M]).
08/01/12(126|132) conquered by kekko92 (ØNE[M]).
11/01/12(123|131) conquered by kekko92 (ØNE[M]).
18/01/12 (20|113) conquered by DISTRUCTOR ([M]).
18/01/12(119|116) conquered by Ghostwarrior.
18/01/12(118|107) conquered by Ghostwarrior.
25/01/12(160|36) conquered by FRA 78 (HAMMER).
30/01/12 (160|36) conquered by LOVE66 (ØNE - T).
30/01/12(125|132) conquered by kekko92 (ØNE[M]).
05/02/12(124|131) conquered by kekko92 (ØNE[M]).
18/02/12(97|135) conquered by N3r0 ([M]).
18/02/12(92|132) conquered by N3r0 ([M]).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  26/04/11 till 27/04/11  (2 Days)
NO NAME  28/04/11 till 16/05/11  (19 Days)
...  17/05/11 till 24/05/11  (8 Days)
NO NAME  25/05/11 till 20/07/11  (57 Days)
ØNE-AWE  21/07/11 till 10/08/11  (21 Days)
UWS  11/08/11 till 12/08/11  (2 Days)
ØNE-AWE  13/08/11 till 08/09/11  (27 Days)
UWS  09/09/11 till 15/09/11  (7 Days)
ØNE-AWE  16/09/11 till 22/10/11  (37 Days)
[M]  23/10/11 till 10/12/11  (49 Days)
ØNE[M]  11/12/11 till 13/12/11  (3 Days)
[M]  14/12/11 till 14/02/12  (63 Days)
UWS  15/02/12 till 19/02/12  (5 Days)
[M]  since 20/02/12  (23 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (25 entries)
Morpheuson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Morpheuson ( (Villages: 8)
Morpheuson Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
MorpheuSon Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Morpheuson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Morpheuson CZNx3 ( (Villages: 8)
Morpheuson Server 32 [] ( (Villages: 8)
Morpheuson Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Morpheuson ( (Villages: 29)
Morpheuson Server 20 [] ( (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 27)
Morpheuson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Morpheuson Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Morpheuson Speed 3x ( (2020) (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 5 ( (2019) (deleted)
Morpheuson Speed 3x ( (2019) (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 2 ( (2018) (deleted)
Morpheuson New Years Special ( (2017) (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 1 ( (2017) (deleted)
Morpheuson Server 7 ( (2017) (deleted)
morpheuson Server 3 ( (2016) (deleted)
morpheuson Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
morpheuson Server 7 ( (2015) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 32|93 )c4 - Inner Agony943(G.v. Steel ThunderMon 07/11/11
( 73|36 )MATTO TI AMO!!!942(G.v. caiofulviocelioSat 24/12/11
( 125|132 )e7 - Shining Angel940(G.v. kekko92Mon 30/01/12
( 50|125 )f3 - Freezing Grasp932(G.v. umberto magnoTue 06/12/11
( 38|119 )f4 - Eye of Eternity894(G.v. tunonnoTue 06/12/11
( 66|90 )b3 - Crimson Star881(G.v. Jair OhmsfordSun 10/07/11
( 30|133 )f2 - Cleansing Fire877(G.v. iguanaaaTue 15/11/11
( 58|106 )a1 - Lord of Dreams876(-6)(settledTue 26/04/11
( 126|132 )e3 - Ancient Omen875(G.v. kekko92Sun 08/01/12
( 63|85 )b7 - Tears of Eden871(G.v. steeeWed 05/10/11
( 89|109 )d2 - Perpetual Sin867(G.v. unltdSun 11/09/11
( 123|131 )e4 - Haunted Plains867(G.v. kekko92Wed 11/01/12
( 55|106 )a2 - Future Awaits854(settledMon 09/05/11
( 29|93 )c3 - Ballad of Wyrd850(G.v. Steel ThunderMon 07/11/11
( 95|87 )d4 - Howling Peaks846(G.v. lixiardiTue 18/10/11
( 40|105 )c2 - Ethereal Flames843(G.v. gio34Fri 05/08/11
( 92|132 )d6 - Lair of Wraiths837(G.v. N3r0Sat 18/02/12
( 63|94 )b1 - Fury of Steel837(G.v. biscuitSun 10/07/11
( 53|132 )f5 - Echoes of Past834(G.v. roby-coloWed 14/12/11
( 118|107 )e6 - Waking Sea831(G.v. GhostwarriorWed 18/01/12
( 59|102 )a4 - Rise of War831(settledMon 30/05/11
( 39|105 )c1 - Sword of Faith830(G.v. gio34Thu 28/07/11
( 123|119 )e1 - Wrath of Abyss827(G.v. icarofreeThu 13/10/11
( 85|119 )d1 - Desecrated Sky827(G.v. NatarMon 05/09/11
( 125|119 )e2 - Hall of Epochs819(G.v. icarofreeSun 18/12/11
( 80|103 )d3 - Wind of Decay818(G.v. unltdSat 24/09/11
( 56|104 )a3 - Darkness Falls818(settledSun 22/05/11
( 55|112 )a9 - Whisper of Fate815(G.v. umberto magnoFri 02/12/11
( 40|158 )f1 - Judgement Day812(G.v. VALERIO9Wed 26/10/11
( 97|135 )d7 - Lady in Black810(G.v. N3r0Sat 18/02/12
( 59|106 )a8 - Glade of Ghosts806(G.v. nelebWed 28/09/11
( 124|131 )e8 - Silent Fear793(G.v. kekko92Sun 05/02/12
( 71|96 )b6 - Faded Hope788(G.v. piterpan25Sat 20/08/11
( 60|96 )b5 - Unholy Shrine787(G.v. tarvosSat 13/08/11
( 53|105 )a5 - Edge of Night781(settledTue 07/06/11
( 119|116 )e5 - Chaos Warp780(G.v. GhostwarriorWed 18/01/12
( 59|104 )a7 - Altar of Greed779(G.v. GiulighanThu 01/09/11
( 59|99 )b4 - Bleeding Heart756(settledTue 14/06/11
( 63|93 )b2 - Burning Soul744(G.v. Te AproSat 16/07/11
( 72|100 )a6 - Tainted Sun735(G.v. Step-AsRTue 19/07/11

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 20|113 )f6 - Waking Sea837(c.t. DISTRUCTOR Wed 18/01/12
( 160|36 )^^^^^^^^^^^^^301(c.t. LOVE66 Mon 30/01/12

Player statistics