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麒麟降臨 (

Name: 麒麟降臨
Rank: 199 (1 raised)
Alliance: 金庸-南帝
Villages: 6
Settled villages:
Population: 3,727 (0)
Registered since: 26/01/24
Playtime: 197 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 6)
Log: (Entries: 6)
26/01/24Village (-44|10) settled.
28/01/24Village (-46|9) settled.
10/02/24Village (-47|11) settled.
21/02/24Village (-44|9) settled.
04/03/24Village (-45|10) settled.
31/03/24Village (-44|11) settled.
Alliance history:
金庸-東邪  26/01/24 till 14/05/24  (110 Days)
金庸-南帝  since 15/05/24  (88 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
麒麟降臨on ( (2024) (deleted)
麒麟降臨on Server 5 ( (2023) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -46|9 ) 01.青龍降臨925(settledSun 28/01/24
( -44|10 )00.麒麟降臨875(settledFri 26/01/24
( -47|11 )02.白虎降臨615(settledSat 10/02/24
( -44|9 )03.玄武降臨555(settledWed 21/02/24
( -45|10 )04.朱雀降臨481(settledMon 04/03/24
( -44|11 )05.貔貅降臨276(settledSun 31/03/24

Player statistics