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Therapist (

Name: Therapist
Rank: 17 (3 raised)
Alliance: CWL-W
Villages: 33 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 30,172 (+1,360)
Registered since: 24/09/12
Playtime: 337 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 39)
Log: (Entries: 39)
24/09/12Village (-45|-2) settled.
08/10/12Village (-132|-121) settled.
23/10/12Village (-125|-122) settled.
07/11/12Village (-133|-121) settled.
23/11/12Village (-129|-130) settled.
07/12/12Village (-156|-156) settled.
21/12/12Village (-132|-115) settled.
11/01/13(-132|-114) conquered by classebruun.
19/01/13Village (-136|-121) settled.
05/02/13 (-156|-156) conquered by Farmageddon (CWL-H).
16/02/13(-123|-120) conquered by pakistani.
25/02/13(-157|-153) conquered by Geronimo (CWL-Z).
28/02/13 (-157|-153) conquered by Mafiozos (CWL-W).
14/03/13(-139|-121) conquered by Natars.
16/03/13(-140|-121) conquered by Natars.
21/03/13(-151|-159) conquered by Duke of Girth (CWL-C).
24/03/13Village (-132|-120) settled.
24/03/13Village (-125|-123) settled.
25/03/13 (-151|-159) conquered by Phantom (CWL-H).
27/03/13(-129|-119) conquered by Natars.
01/04/13Village (-139|-125) settled.
13/04/13(-128|-131) conquered by Ezis.
15/04/13(-128|-112) conquered by Ezis.
04/05/13Village (-133|-123) settled.
11/05/13(-135|-119) conquered by Natars.
15/05/13(-127|-108) conquered by Natars.
21/05/13(-121|-115) conquered by 16spark1 (E-EliteĀ®).
01/06/13(-134|-111) conquered by Natars.
06/06/13(-151|-124) conquered by Gilraen.
14/06/13(-156|-119) conquered by Gilraen.
21/06/13(-152|-118) conquered by Gilraen.
27/06/13(-121|-127) conquered by FyreTitan.
05/07/13(-158|-151) conquered by FyreTitan.
19/07/13(-155|-118) conquered by Gilraen.
22/07/13(-164|-95) conquered by hdjar (DB).
24/07/13(-164|-96) conquered by hdjar (DB).
02/08/13(-166|-96) conquered by hdjar (DB).
14/08/13(-135|-111) conquered by Natars.
26/08/13(-118|-118) conquered by 16spark1 (E-EliteĀ®).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  24/09/12 till 25/09/12  (2 Days)
CWL-Z  26/09/12 till 27/11/12  (63 Days)
CWL-X  28/11/12 till 01/02/13  (66 Days)
CWL-W  since 02/02/13  (207 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (39 entries)
therapiston ( (Villages: 4)
therapiston Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
therapiston Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
therapiston Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
therapiston Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Therapiston Server 9 [] ( (deleted)
Therapiston Server 40 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
Therapiston Server 31 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
THErapiston Server 20 ( (2020) (deleted)
Therapiston Server 5 ( (2018) (deleted)
therapiston ( (2018) (Villages: 1)
Therapiston Speed 3x ( (2017) (Villages: 3)
therapiston Server 1 [] ( (2016) (deleted)
Therapiston Server 9 ( (2014) (deleted)
Therapiston Speed 3x ( (2014) (deleted)
therapiston Speed 3x ( (2014) (deleted)
Therapiston Server 4 ( (2014) (Villages: 4)
Therapiston Speed 3x ( (2014) (deleted)
Therapiston Server 1 ( (2014) (deleted)
Therapiston Server 4 ( (2013) (deleted)
Therapiston ( (2013) (deleted)
TheRapiston Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
therapiston ( (2013) (deleted)
therapiston ( (2012) (deleted)
Therapiston Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
THErapiston ( (2012) (deleted)
therapiston Server 8 ( (2012) (deleted)
TheRapiston ( (2011) (deleted)
Therapiston Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
Therapiston Server 4 ( (2011) (Villages: 23)
theRapiston ( (2010) (deleted)
theRapiston ( (2010) (deleted)
therapiston ( (2009) (deleted)
TheRapiston ( (2009) (deleted)
THErapiston ( (2009) (deleted)
TheRapiston ( (2009) (deleted)
TheRapiston ( (2009) (deleted)
Therapiston ( (2009) (deleted)
Therapiston ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -132|-121 ).1079(+12)(settledMon 08/10/12
( -129|-119 )16. Rikko1016(G.v. NatarsWed 27/03/13
( -135|-119 )19. Zimbabwe1015(+12)(G.v. NatarsSat 11/05/13
( -132|-120 )15. SneakyRussian1004(+14)(settledSun 24/03/13
( -132|-114 )08. Spyrus1001(G.v. classebruunFri 11/01/13
( -139|-121 )06. Kikiritza997(+3)(G.v. NatarsThu 14/03/13
( -132|-115 )07. Spyvou991(+4)(settledFri 21/12/12
( -140|-121 )05. Pedro987(+6)(G.v. NatarsSat 16/03/13
( -128|-131 )13. Nordex980(+5)(G.v. EzisSat 13/04/13
( -128|-112 )09. JacekW970(+8)(G.v. EzisMon 15/04/13
( -139|-125 )17. Looker966(+4)(settledMon 01/04/13
( -136|-121 )04. Bgz959(+10)(settledSat 19/01/13
( -127|-108 )20. Brezzok954(+12)(G.v. NatarsWed 15/05/13
( -123|-120 )11. Midgey954(+12)(G.v. pakistaniSat 16/02/13
( -121|-127 )26. 38boy946(+11)(G.v. FyreTitanThu 27/06/13
( -133|-121 )03. Drei943(+3)(settledWed 07/11/12
( -118|-118 )33. CHIEFED BY CWL931(-133)(G.v. 16spark1Mon 26/08/13
( -121|-115 )21. Vegard927(+33)(G.v. 16spark1Tue 21/05/13
( -125|-123 )14. Sir_kaban925(+9)(settledSun 24/03/13
( -134|-111 )22. Bighouse919(+14)(G.v. NatarsSat 01/06/13
( -45|-2 )01. Arkasa913(settledMon 24/09/12
( -151|-124 )23. El Gespi899(+12)(G.v. GilraenThu 06/06/13
( -133|-123 )18. Nucklehead885(+16)(settledSat 04/05/13
( -125|-122 )10. InSaNe875(settledTue 23/10/12
( -156|-119 )24. Jinno865(+12)(G.v. GilraenFri 14/06/13
( -158|-151 )27. Shakal863(+16)(G.v. FyreTitanFri 05/07/13
( -152|-118 )25. Trio858(+21)(G.v. GilraenFri 21/06/13
( -164|-95 )30. Al Capone842(+22)(G.v. hdjarMon 22/07/13
( -155|-118 )28. Skyspirit815(+33)(G.v. GilraenFri 19/07/13
( -129|-130 )12. Eloy799(settledFri 23/11/12
( -164|-96 )29. Priapus788(+28)(G.v. hdjarWed 24/07/13
( -166|-96 )31. Geronimo699(+35)(G.v. hdjarFri 02/08/13
( -135|-111 )32. Blackbird607(+62)(G.v. NatarsWed 14/08/13

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -156|-156 )09. Midgey759(c.t. Farmageddon Tue 05/02/13
( -157|-153 )CWL --------s554(c.t. Mafiozos Thu 28/02/13
( -151|-159 )CWL Rules480(c.t. Phantom Mon 25/03/13

Player statistics