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Veszteg (

Name: Veszteg
Rank: 94 (21 raised)
Alliance: AR
Villages: 19 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 15,115 (+1,364)
Registered since: 28/07/24
Playtime: 150 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 19)
Log: (Entries: 19)
28/07/24Village (-116|5) settled.
08/08/24Village (-118|3) settled.
22/08/24Village (-118|6) settled.
01/09/24Village (-122|3) settled.
08/09/24Village (-115|-1) settled.
16/09/24Village (-118|-6) settled.
24/09/24Village (-120|5) settled.
04/10/24(-105|1) conquered by Elmi (VAL).
14/10/24(-104|1) conquered by Elmi.
19/10/24(-107|8) conquered by Vambr (RA).
28/10/24(-107|14) conquered by Natars.
05/11/24(-109|14) conquered by zax (H&DCT).
10/11/24(-110|7) conquered by chtigrand.
19/11/24(-107|-2) conquered by Elmi.
27/11/24(-113|8) conquered by Hulk.
04/12/24(-112|6) conquered by Hulk.
11/12/24Village (-114|8) settled.
18/12/24(-41|-38) conquered by PerVonS.
23/12/24(-41|-39) conquered by PerVonS.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  28/07/24 
HKR-2  29/07/24 till 09/08/24  (12 Days)
PP&C  10/08/24 till 19/08/24  (10 Days)
PP  20/08/24 till 08/09/24  (20 Days)
AR  since 09/09/24  (108 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Vesztegon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -116|5 ) 00 Konoha1307(+9)(settledSun 28/07/24
( -110|7 )12 úthenger977(+10)(G.v. chtigrandSun 10/11/24
( -41|-38 )17 csoda táp925(+34)(G.v. PerVonSWed 18/12/24
( -107|14 )10 Barbárfivérek895(+25)(G.v. NatarsMon 28/10/24
( -107|8 )09 Nyers hús882(-3)(G.v. VambrSat 19/10/24
( -118|3 )01 Avarrejtek 9863(+4)(settledThu 08/08/24
( -118|6 )03 Böbe822(+32)(settledThu 22/08/24
( -109|14 )11 Veréb811(+12)(G.v. zaxTue 05/11/24
( -41|-39 )18 csoda táp 2809(-60)(G.v. PerVonSMon 23/12/24
( -115|-1 )04 Madara805(+8)(settledSun 08/09/24
( -113|8 )14 hangrelytek776(+47)(G.v. HulkWed 27/11/24
( -105|1 )05 Bloose broavaz761(+36)(G.v. ElmiFri 04/10/24
( -104|1 )08 Daráltlt hús729(+57)(G.v. ElmiMon 14/10/24
( -107|-2 )13 megcsépelt729(+44)(G.v. ElmiTue 19/11/24
( -118|-6 )02 Sasuke 9698(+19)(settledMon 16/09/24
( -120|5 )07 Győr 15688(+47)(settledTue 24/09/24
( -112|6 )15 kilenfarkú670(+51)(G.v. HulkWed 04/12/24
( -122|3 )06 Siló15617(+25)(settledSun 01/09/24
( -114|8 )16 Naruto351(+98)(settledWed 11/12/24

Player statistics