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hmuryi (

Name: hmuryi
Rank: 961 (no change)
Alliance: V++
Villages: 10
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 6,076 (0)
Registered since: 14/08/11
Playtime: 222 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 10)
Log: (Entries: 10)
14/08/11Village (50|-259) settled.
05/09/11Village (9|-328) settled.
14/11/11Village (7|-328) settled.
07/12/11(47|-253) conquered by Hector.
15/12/11Village (5|-333) settled.
25/12/11Village (4|-334) settled.
09/01/12Village (5|-334) settled.
29/01/12(42|-253) conquered by PVSh.
10/03/12Village (6|-333) settled.
10/03/12Village (5|-335) settled.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  14/08/11 till 15/08/11  (2 Days)
People  16/08/11 till 17/08/11  (2 Days)
(No alliances)  18/08/11 till 19/08/11  (2 Days)
VAT  20/08/11 till 29/08/11  (10 Days)
V++  30/08/11 till 28/11/11  (91 Days)
a.V++  29/11/11 till 08/12/11  (10 Days)
V++  since 09/12/11  (106 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (4 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 50|-259 )hmuryi1046(settledSun 14/08/11
( 9|-328 )radostnyi1000(settledMon 05/09/11
( 7|-328 )ravnodushnyi943(settledMon 14/11/11
( 47|-253 )idiot848(G.v. HectorWed 07/12/11
( 42|-253 )chopic714(G.v. PVShSun 29/01/12
( 4|-334 )-dura590(settledSun 25/12/11
( 5|-334 )podarok487(settledMon 09/01/12
( 5|-333 )novogodnie397(settledThu 15/12/11
( 5|-335 )Конгломерат28(settledSat 10/03/12
( 6|-333 )Новая деревня23(settledSat 10/03/12

Player statistics