Statistics and tools
for the game Travian
Alliance NewOrder on
| Player | From? | Conquests | Villages | Population | (+/-) | Joined |
| primetime | AVENGER | 2 | | 4 | (0) | 1,843 | (0) | 02/06/18 |
Former members:
| Player | Alliance | Villages | Population | (+/-) | Left |
| Boomwortel | TL | 24 | (0) | 18,476 | (+108) | 11/07/18 |
| Trump2020 | TL | 17 | (0) | 13,853 | (+1) | 12/07/18 |
| XXX | | deleted | 06/07/18 |
| Jacob | | 2 | (0) | 1,442 | (0) | 09/06/18 |
| zloo1 | BOX | 5 | (0) | 2,308 | (-11) | 09/06/18 |
| Rocco | | deleted | 11/07/18 |
| Toben | | deleted | 10/06/18 |
| RAM | | deleted | 09/06/18 |
| Obelix | | deleted | 11/07/18 |
| Edis | | deleted | 12/07/18 |
| T-Rex | | deleted | 12/07/18 |
| ultrasur | | deleted | 30/06/18 |
| Blue Wolf | TL | 21 | (0) | 13,096 | (+171) | 01/06/18 |
| Matus | TL | 18 | (0) | 13,492 | (+56) | 12/07/18 |
| Deeway | | 1 | (0) | 349 | (0) | 11/07/18 |
| Sassu | TL | 16 | (0) | 11,587 | (+41) | 05/06/18 |
| Suspecting | | 11 | (0) | 7,098 | (0) | 11/07/18 |
| Elwood | TL | 20 | (0) | 14,451 | (+45) | 12/07/18 |
| Panda | | deleted | 05/06/18 |
| eMGie | | 4 | (0) | 2,844 | (0) | 11/07/18 |
| Pisco | | 3 | (0) | 1,293 | (0) | 25/06/18 |
| alexandreu | | deleted | 11/07/18 |
| ogamboa13 | | deleted | 23/06/18 |
| hagzilla | TL | 14 | (0) | 9,987 | (+111) | 11/07/18 |
| Qeggy | | 11 | (0) | 5,788 | (0) | 12/07/18 |
| Pupperino | TL | 18 | (0) | 12,637 | (0) | 11/07/18 |
| Starboy2018 | TL | 30 | (+1) | 22,426 | (+2) | 11/07/18 |
| PaysoH | TL | 25 | (0) | 17,995 | (+202) | 11/07/18 |
| Feanor | | 6 | (0) | 2,355 | (0) | 12/07/18 |
| Achalos | | deleted | 20/06/18 |
| phortuna | | deleted | 12/07/18 |
| suseriego | TL | 24 | (0) | 20,508 | (+20) | 11/07/18 |
| Scorpion | TL | 25 | (0) | 17,275 | (+517) | 11/07/18 |
| GasEmBois | | deleted | 10/07/18 |
| Destroyer | | deleted | 11/07/18 |
| Respect 2 | TL | 17 | (0) | 11,945 | (+174) | 11/07/18 |
| shaqten | TL | 14 | (0) | 8,002 | (+109) | 11/07/18 |
Alliance statistics
Conquest stats.
Alliance conquests: (?) • Conquered: 40
(+0) • Lost: 8
(+0) Player conquests: (?) • Conquered: 2
(+0) • Lost: 5
(+0) Conquered alliances Have been conquered from...