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Ookami (

Name: Ookami
Rank: 11 (no change)
Alliance: BT Red
Villages: 30 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 25,173 (+1,017)
Registered since: 09/03/12
Playtime: 253 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 30)
Log: (Entries: 30)
09/03/12Village (11|170) settled.
23/03/12Village (11|168) settled.
08/04/12Village (9|170) settled.
22/04/12Village (10|168) settled.
03/05/12Village (11|166) settled.
15/05/12(14|171) conquered by simsiyah ([HaH]).
20/05/12Village (10|166) settled.
01/06/12(8|169) conquered by Natars.
08/06/12Village (10|167) settled.
17/06/12(8|171) conquered by Natars.
23/06/12(13|168) conquered by Natars.
01/07/12(8|162) conquered by Natars.
09/07/12(3|198) conquered by Thinkers (Berserk2).
14/07/12(13|161) conquered by dracon (Berserk2).
20/07/12(53|201) conquered by N1R1K.
27/07/12(12|167) conquered by Natars.
02/08/12(3|182) conquered by trunghoa.
09/08/12(-3|179) conquered by trunghoa.
15/08/12(-2|179) conquered by trunghoa.
22/08/12(-1|180) conquered by trunghoa.
29/08/12(12|163) conquered by Daz.
04/09/12(14|165) conquered by Daz.
14/09/12(-3|177) conquered by trunghoa.
21/09/12(13|165) conquered by ParisH.
27/09/12(12|20) conquered by Sccoot.
08/10/12(28|63) conquered by Sccoot.
11/10/12(14|163) conquered by Milko.
20/10/12(12|165) conquered by mrsnrub.
29/10/12(8|165) conquered by ParisH.
15/11/12(-1|165) conquered by Bahaos.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  09/03/12 till 24/03/12  (16 Days)
BT Blue  25/03/12 till 30/05/12  (67 Days)
TØP Aqua  31/05/12 till 16/08/12  (78 Days)
BT Red  since 17/08/12  (93 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (19 entries)
ookamion Server 100 [] ( (Villages: 1)
ookamion Server 58 ( (2020) (deleted)
ookamion Speed 3x ( (2019) (deleted)
ookamion Speed 3x ( (2018) (deleted)
Ookamion Fire and Sand ( (2018) (deleted)
Ookamion Server 6 ( (2013) (deleted)
Ookamion Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2010) (deleted)
Ookamion Server 10 ( (2010) (deleted)
ookamion ( (2009) (deleted)
Ookamion [] ( (2009) (Villages: 30)
Ookamion ( (2009) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2009) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2009) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2008) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2008) (deleted)
ookamion ( (2008) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2008) (deleted)
Ookamion ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 10|168 )04. Chris Griffin1173(settledSun 22/04/12
( 11|168 )02. Lois Griffin965(+12)(settledFri 23/03/12
( 11|170 )01. Peter Griffin953(+9)(settledFri 09/03/12
( 8|171 )10. Giant Chicken945(+17)(G.v. NatarsSun 17/06/12
( 8|162 )12. Buzz Killington931(+20)(G.v. NatarsSun 01/07/12
( 13|168 )11. Joe Swanson927(+17)(G.v. NatarsSat 23/06/12
( 9|170 )03. Meg Griffin915(+13)(settledSun 08/04/12
( 11|166 )05. Stewie Griffin914(+19)(settledThu 03/05/12
( 10|166 )07. Glenn Quagmire901(+15)(settledSun 20/05/12
( 3|198 )13. Death891(+14)(G.v. ThinkersMon 09/07/12
( 3|182 )17. Mr. Weed883(+27)(G.v. trunghoaThu 02/08/12
( 10|167 )09. Evil Monkey878(+13)(settledFri 08/06/12
( 14|171 )06. Brian Griffin875(+13)(G.v. simsiyahTue 15/05/12
( 12|163 )21. P&J Time871(+13)(G.v. DazWed 29/08/12
( 13|161 )14. James Woods861(+16)(G.v. draconSat 14/07/12
( 12|20 )25. WW/Cartman856(+31)(G.v. SccootThu 27/09/12
( -3|179 )18. Mr. Hanky856(+14)(G.v. trunghoaThu 09/08/12
( 14|165 )22. Jasper826(+18)(G.v. DazTue 04/09/12
( 12|167 )16. Cleveland Brown823(+19)(G.v. NatarsFri 27/07/12
( -2|179 )19. Consuela818(+7)(G.v. trunghoaWed 15/08/12
( 28|63 )26. WWBertram804(+17)(G.v. SccootMon 08/10/12
( 53|201 )15. Tricia Takanawa794(+18)(G.v. N1R1KFri 20/07/12
( -1|180 )20. Ernie761(+14)(G.v. trunghoaWed 22/08/12
( -3|177 )23. Mayor West742(+16)(G.v. trunghoaFri 14/09/12
( 14|163 )27. Kyle732(+22)(G.v. MilkoThu 11/10/12
( 13|165 )24. Mort Goldman723(+13)(G.v. ParisHFri 21/09/12
( 12|165 )28. Towly720(+25)(G.v. mrsnrubSat 20/10/12
( 8|165 )29. Kenny649(+43)(G.v. ParisHMon 29/10/12
( 8|169 )08. Herbert644(G.v. NatarsFri 01/06/12
( -1|165 )GO HOME NWE :p542(-49)(G.v. BahaosThu 15/11/12

Player statistics