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emilian68 (

Name: emilian68
Rank: 499 (3 fallen)
Alliance: K@OS
Villages: 15
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 9,908 (+116)
Registered since: 06/12/13
Playtime: 345 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 15)
Log: (Entries: 15)
06/12/13Village (-37|38) settled.
30/12/13Village (-32|62) settled.
04/02/14Village (-31|61) settled.
11/03/14Village (-1|23) settled.
07/04/14Village (-1|24) settled.
03/05/14Village (0|25) settled.
01/06/14(-40|36) conquered by ULUKURT (WOW- KAO).
11/06/14Village (-1|25) settled.
05/07/14(-31|63) conquered by Natarlar.
08/07/14(-33|60) conquered by Natarlar.
29/07/14Village (0|26) settled.
03/08/14Village (0|27) settled.
11/08/14(-34|64) conquered by Natarlar.
26/08/14Village (-5|11) settled.
13/10/14Village (-38|67) settled.
Alliance history:
NEFER  06/12/13 till 20/12/13  (15 Days)
K@OS 1  21/12/13 till 28/01/14  (39 Days)
VEDAK@OS  29/01/14 till 26/02/14  (29 Days)
MARKA 4  27/02/14 till 28/02/14  (2 Days)
VEDAK@OS  01/03/14 till 27/03/14  (27 Days)
(No alliances)  28/03/14 till 29/03/14  (2 Days)
K@OS  since 30/03/14  (232 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
emilian68on ( (2014) (deleted)
emilian68on Sunucu 7 ( (2013) (deleted)
emilian68on Sunucu 3 ( (2013) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -32|62 )अर?जकत?1056(-4)(settledMon 30/12/13
( -37|38 )sevecen shrek-1865(settledFri 06/12/13
( -33|60 )REİSLENDİ-10807(+22)(G.v. NatarlarTue 08/07/14
( -31|63 )REİSLENDİ-9753(G.v. NatarlarSat 05/07/14
( -1|23 )stan-4747(settledTue 11/03/14
( -40|36 )REİSLENDİ-7719(+4)(G.v. ULUKURTSun 01/06/14
( 0|25 )stan-6693(+6)(settledSat 03/05/14
( -1|24 )stan-5692(settledMon 07/04/14
( -31|61 )sevecen shrek-3689(settledTue 04/02/14
( -34|64 )REİSLENDİ-13672(G.v. NatarlarMon 11/08/14
( -1|25 )stan-8603(+8)(settledWed 11/06/14
( 0|26 )stan-11585(+9)(settledTue 29/07/14
( -5|11 )stan-14448(+25)(settledTue 26/08/14
( 0|27 )The_Lost-12447(+11)(settledSun 03/08/14
( -38|67 )stan-15132(+35)(settledMon 13/10/14

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