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Šarkaň (

Name: Šarkaň
Rank: 356 (4 fallen)
Alliance: CS-TP
Villages: 18
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 13,822 (+31)
Registered since: 23/01/21
Playtime: 242 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 18)
Log: (Entries: 18)
23/01/21Village (-99|-134) settled.
04/02/21Village (-109|-139) settled.
19/02/21(-100|-133) conquered by Natars.
01/03/21Village (-107|-135) settled.
28/03/21(-116|-127) conquered by scooly (VW).
05/04/21(-99|-129) conquered by valocrate.
06/04/21(-110|-134) conquered by MySweetiePie (A.O.E.).
24/04/21Village (-89|-134) settled.
27/04/21(-96|-136) conquered by Natars.
12/05/21(-86|-131) conquered by Scottito.
15/05/21(-101|-143) conquered by Magmar.
29/05/21(-107|-127) conquered by Keyv117 (TP).
22/06/21(-97|-137) conquered by Natars.
01/07/21(-102|-141) conquered by Natars.
05/07/21(-106|-136) conquered by Natars.
12/07/21(-115|-131) conquered by Natars.
29/07/21(-113|-134) conquered by Natars.
11/08/21(-112|-133) conquered by Natars.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  23/01/21 till 28/01/21  (6 Days)
CS-02  29/01/21 till 05/04/21  (67 Days)
CS-TP  since 06/04/21  (170 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (12 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -99|-134 )Amon Sûl1030(settledSat 23/01/21
( -109|-139 )Plateau of Gorgoroth943(+1)(settledThu 04/02/21
( -116|-127 )Dol Guldur877(G.v. scoolySun 28/03/21
( -107|-135 )Cirith Ungol823(settledMon 01/03/21
( -86|-131 )Khazad Dûm819(+1)(G.v. ScottitoWed 12/05/21
( -101|-143 )Mount Gundabad816(+1)(G.v. MagmarSat 15/05/21
( -100|-133 )Barad Dûr805(G.v. NatarsFri 19/02/21
( -99|-129 )Erebor783(+1)(G.v. valocrateMon 05/04/21
( -110|-134 )Fornost756(+3)(G.v. MySweetiePieTue 06/04/21
( -96|-136 )Isengard755(+1)(G.v. NatarsTue 27/04/21
( -97|-137 )Osgiliath722(+1)(G.v. NatarsTue 22/06/21
( -107|-127 )Nogrod715(G.v. Keyv117Sat 29/05/21
( -106|-136 )Doriath693(G.v. NatarsMon 05/07/21
( -102|-141 )Minas Tirith688(G.v. NatarsThu 01/07/21
( -115|-131 )❌❌❌!STOP FARM!❌❌❌671(+9)(G.v. NatarsMon 12/07/21
( -113|-134 )❌❌❌!STOP FARM!❌❌❌662(+4)(G.v. NatarsThu 29/07/21
( -112|-133 )❌❌❌!STOP FARM!❌❌❌660(+7)(G.v. NatarsWed 11/08/21
( -89|-134 )Gondolin604(+2)(settledSat 24/04/21

Player statistics