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Switch (

Name: Switch
Rank: 371 (4 fallen)
Alliance: Атом
Villages: 11
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 6,555 (0)
Registered since: 22/04/21
Playtime: 49 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 17)
Log: (Entries: 17)
22/04/21Village (306|-316) settled.
24/04/21Village (296|-317) settled.
27/04/21Village (308|-315) settled.
30/04/21Village (310|-316) settled.
06/05/21Village (184|-22) settled.
07/05/21Village (183|-22) settled.
09/05/21(293|-314) conquered by polski (rce).
12/05/21Village (307|-327) settled.
14/05/21Village (306|-317) settled.
18/05/21Village (184|-23) settled.
21/05/21(300|-331) conquered by Booker-T.
23/05/21(298|-317) conquered by kantrikutsa.
27/05/21(297|-308) conquered by Megamix.
29/05/21(299|-309) conquered by Megamix.
31/05/21 (183|-22) conquered by ttR (Sun).
31/05/21 (184|-22) conquered by ttR (Sun).
31/05/21 (184|-23) conquered by ttR (Sun).
Alliance history:
$ATOM  22/04/21 till 05/05/21  (14 Days)
Atom_  06/05/21 till 10/05/21  (5 Days)
Атом  since 11/05/21  (31 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (12 entries)
Switchon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 3)
Switchon Server 7 ( (Villages: 13)
Switchon Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 12)
SWITCHon ( (2023) (deleted)
SWITCHon Server 5 ( (2023) (deleted)
switchon Server 9 ( (2022) (deleted)
switchon Server 30 ( (2022) (Villages: 2)
switchon Server 30 ( (2022) (deleted)
Switchon Server 3 ( (2022) (deleted)
Switchon Server 100 ( (2021) (Villages: 6)
Switchon ( (2021) (deleted)
switchon ( (2020) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 298|-317 )A10 Gehen Stehen972(G.v. kantrikutsaSun 23/05/21
( 306|-316 )A1 Meins896(settledThu 22/04/21
( 296|-317 )Yvy Mountain825(settledSat 24/04/21
( 306|-317 )Vivi Mountain729(settledFri 14/05/21
( 300|-331 )A9 Doing Doing570(G.v. Booker-TFri 21/05/21
( 293|-314 )A6 Kein Reflex541(G.v. polskiSun 09/05/21
( 297|-308 )A11 Helf Elf483(G.v. MegamixThu 27/05/21
( 307|-327 )A7 Liegen geblieben454(settledWed 12/05/21
( 308|-315 )A2 Sei dabei415(settledTue 27/04/21
( 310|-316 )A3 Eieiei387(settledFri 30/04/21
( 299|-309 )5.Nynashamn283(G.v. MegamixSat 29/05/21

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 183|-22 )B5 Sümpf Strümpf597(c.t. ttR Mon 31/05/21
( 184|-22 )B4 Hier'n Bier550(c.t. ttR Mon 31/05/21
( 184|-23 )B8 Gute Nacht589(c.t. ttR Mon 31/05/21

Player statistics