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Sorcio (

Name: Sorcio
Rank: 896 (96 raised)
Alliance: TR-X
Villages: 2
Settled villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 1,017 (+217)
Registered since: 24/04/21
Playtime: 47 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 10)
Log: (Entries: 10)
24/04/21Village (-64|-136) settled.
28/04/21Village (-86|50) settled.
08/05/21Village (-64|-135) settled.
13/05/21Village (-63|-134) settled.
19/05/21 (-86|50) conquered by tarakan4 (Sun).
19/05/21Village (-55|-131) settled.
19/05/21Village (-57|-131) settled.
24/05/21(-55|-131) destroyed.
25/05/21(-57|-131) destroyed.
30/05/21 (-63|-134) conquered by Pink Pony (SHDW).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  24/04/21 till 25/04/21  (2 Days)
CT ™  26/04/21 
CT-3  27/04/21 till 10/05/21  (14 Days)
TR-X  since 11/05/21  (31 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Sorcioon Server 100 ( (2021) (Villages: 8)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -64|-136 )01 Sorcio699(+168)(settledSat 24/04/21
( -64|-135 )03 Sorcio318(+49)(settledSat 08/05/21

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -86|50 )02 Sorcio663(c.t. tarakan4 Wed 19/05/21
( -55|-131 )06 Sorcio282 (destroyed Mon 24/05/21
( -57|-131 )05 Sorcio223 (destroyed Tue 25/05/21
( -63|-134 )04 Sorcio484(c.t. Pink Pony Sun 30/05/21

Player statistics