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Alex (

Name: Alex
Rank: 38 (3 fallen)
Alliance: DCF
Villages: 33
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 27,000 (+406)
Registered since: 13/06/23
Playtime: 96 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 76)
Log: (Entries: 76)
13/06/23Village (-56|-52) settled.
13/06/23Village (-56|-53) settled.
13/06/23Village (-1|-59) settled.
16/06/23Village (-57|-52) settled.
20/06/23Village (-32|192) settled.
23/06/23Village (-57|-53) settled.
25/06/23Village (-58|-52) settled.
01/07/23(-49|-45) conquered by muammar (MCU).
01/07/23(-53|-41) conquered by sarah (MCU).
03/07/23(-38|-47) conquered by อ่อนเด้อEiEi.
07/07/23Village (-57|-51) settled.
11/07/23(-32|-38) conquered by l3urnii.
14/07/23(-46|-37) conquered by Natars.
14/07/23(-32|-48) conquered by Natars.
16/07/23Village (-58|-51) settled.
19/07/23(-37|-135) conquered by Pongpang.
21/07/23Village (-58|-53) settled.
25/07/23(-134|-92) conquered by BNno1th (DCF).
26/07/23 (-134|-92) conquered by Crazy cat (DCF).
26/07/23(-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
27/07/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Lynxel (OGC).
28/07/23Village (-55|-51) settled.
28/07/23Village (-55|-52) settled.
29/07/23(-97|-98) conquered by Lynxel (OGC).
30/07/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
31/07/23Village (-58|-52) settled.
31/07/23Village (-57|-52) settled.
31/07/23Village (-56|-52) settled.
31/07/23Village (-55|-52) settled.
31/07/23Village (-58|-53) settled.
31/07/23Village (-57|-53) settled.
31/07/23Village (-56|-53) settled.
31/07/23Village (-1|-59) settled.
31/07/23Village (-37|-135) settled.
31/07/23Village (-55|-51) settled.
31/07/23Village (-57|-51) settled.
31/07/23Village (-51|-34) settled.
31/07/23Village (-46|-37) settled.
31/07/23Village (-32|-38) settled.
31/07/23Village (-53|-41) settled.
31/07/23Village (-49|-45) settled.
31/07/23Village (-38|-47) settled.
31/07/23Village (-32|-48) settled.
31/07/23Village (-58|-51) settled.
31/07/23Village (-32|192) settled.
02/08/23(-97|-98) conquered by Fungi (OGC).
03/08/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
04/08/23(-41|-58) conquered by Midroad (DCF).
05/08/23(1|-37) conquered by scam (COT™).
06/08/23(-97|-98) conquered by Lynxel (OGC).
07/08/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
08/08/23(-134|-92) conquered by Accel (KAK).
09/08/23 (-134|-92) conquered by Crazy cat (DCF).
09/08/23(-45|-43) conquered by BNno1th (DCF).
09/08/23(-39|-44) conquered by BNno1th (DCF).
11/08/23(-97|-98) conquered by Lynxel (OGC).
12/08/23 (-1|-59) conquered by JPG (A-天機).
12/08/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
12/08/23(-30|-44) conquered by Accel (DCF).
14/08/23(-48|-34) conquered by Shih-Tzu.
14/08/23(-97|-98) conquered by AKATSUKI (DCF).
17/08/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
17/08/23Village (-56|-50) settled.
18/08/23Village (-58|-50) settled.
19/08/23(-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
19/08/23(-51|-51) conquered by Crazy cat (DCF).
19/08/23(-50|-50) conquered by Crazy cat (DCF).
19/08/23(-56|-50) destroyed.
19/08/23(-58|-50) destroyed.
20/08/23 (-97|-98) conquered by Tegu (OGC).
20/08/23(-49|-50) conquered by Crazy cat (DCF).
23/08/23Village (-56|-50) settled.
31/08/23(-96|-21) conquered by NwTK.
01/09/23(-132|-91) conquered by Crazy cat (DCF).
02/09/23(-87|-20) conquered by หมูป่า (OGC).
04/09/23(-94|-80) conquered by Brown SR (OGC).
Alliance history:
DCF  13/06/23 till 30/07/23  (48 Days)
DCF  since 31/07/23  (49 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (87 entries)
Alexon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon DE1x3 ( (Villages: 1)
alexon Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon COMNx2 ( (Villages: 3)
Alexon ( (Villages: 8)
alexon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon IT1x3 ( (deleted)
Alexon ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 100 ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 3)
Alexon ( (deleted)
Alexon RU1x3 ( (Villages: 4)
Alexon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 7)
Alexon TEST5x ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon RU4 ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 4)
Alexon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon COM6 ( (Villages: 3)
alexon COM1x3 ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon ( (Villages: 4)
Alexon ( (deleted)
alexon ( (deleted)
alexon ( (deleted)
Alexon ( (Villages: 3)
Alexon Server 31 [] ( (deleted)
alexon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 32 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Alexon Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 4)
AleXon IT2 ( (Villages: 7)
Alexon Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon RU3 ( (Villages: 7)
Alexon DE2N ( (Villages: 9)
Alexon Server 8 ( (deleted)
AleXon COM1x2 ( (Villages: 10)
Alexon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
alexon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon ( (Villages: 12)
Alexon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon COM2N ( (Villages: 8)
Alexon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon COM3 ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
AleXon Server 9 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon COM2 ( (Villages: 12)
Alexon Server 9 [] ( (deleted)
alexon Server 6 ( (deleted)
Alexon ( (deleted)
Alexon ( (deleted)
Alexon ( (deleted)
alexon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
alexon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Blitzon Server 30 ( (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 5 ( (deleted)
alexon Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 4)
alexon Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
alexon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
Alexon Server 50 ( (2024) (deleted)
Alexon Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 3 ( (2024) (deleted)
alexon ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 50 ( (2024) (deleted)
Alexon Server 5 ( (2023) (deleted)
alexon Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 15)
Alexon Server 1 ( (2023) (Villages: 18)
Alexon Server 2 ( (2023) (Villages: 1)
Alexon Server 30 ( (2023) (deleted)
Alexon Server 7 ( (2023) (deleted)
Alexon Server 4 ( (2023) (deleted)
Alexon Server 1 ( (2022) (deleted)
Alexon Glory of Sparta ( (2022) (deleted)
alexon Server 6 ( (2022) (deleted)
alexon Server 5 ( (2022) (deleted)
Alexon ( (2022) (deleted)
Alexon Server 100 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
RockNRollon Server 30 ( (2021) (Villages: 4)
alexon ( (2021) (deleted)
Alexon ( (2021) (deleted)
August406on Server 30 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
ALEXon Server 50 ( (2021) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -56|-53 )Alex 31141(+6)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -56|-52 ) Alex 21076(settledMon 31/07/23
( -57|-53 )Alex 61066(+6)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -57|-51 )Alex 111052(+9)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -58|-52 )Alex 71049(+2)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -53|-41 )Alex 91025(+14)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -49|-45 )Alex 81001(+10)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -38|-47 )Alex 10999(+16)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -51|-34 )Alex 20980(+9)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -51|-51 )Alex 27958(-1)(G.v. Crazy catSat 19/08/23
( -49|-50 )Alex 28940(-4)(G.v. Crazy catSun 20/08/23
( -57|-52 )Alex 4918(+11)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -45|-43 )Alex 23911(+4)(G.v. BNno1thWed 09/08/23
( -39|-44 )Alex 24909(+16)(G.v. BNno1thWed 09/08/23
( -41|-58 )Alex 21872(+11)(G.v. MidroadFri 04/08/23
( -32|192 )Alex 5863(+3)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -30|-44 )Alex 25850(+2)(G.v. AccelSat 12/08/23
( -32|-38 )Alex 12828(+7)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -46|-37 )Alex 13816(+7)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -94|-80 )Alex Plan811(-89)(G.v. Brown SRMon 04/09/23
( -32|-48 )Alex 14805(+6)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -37|-135 )Alex 16791(+3)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -58|-51 )Alex 15768(+6)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -132|-91 )Alex 33744(+30)(G.v. Crazy catFri 01/09/23
( -58|-53 )Alex 17700(+2)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -96|-21 )Alex 30692(+5)(G.v. NwTKThu 31/08/23
( -50|-50 )GG congrats682(+214)(G.v. Crazy catSat 19/08/23
( -55|-52 )Alex 18592(+30)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -87|-20 )Alex 32547(+13)(G.v. หมูป่าSat 02/09/23
( -55|-51 )Alex 19541(+27)(settledMon 31/07/23
( -48|-34 )Alex 26515(+21)(G.v. Shih-TzuMon 14/08/23
( 1|-37 )Alex 22426(+4)(G.v. scamSat 05/08/23
( -56|-50 )Alex 29132(+6)(settledWed 23/08/23

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -134|-92 )Rhinoceros`s [04]238(c.t. Crazy cat Wed 09/08/23
( -1|-59 )Alex 1880(c.t. JPG Sat 12/08/23
( -58|-50 )Alex 288 (destroyed Sat 19/08/23
( -97|-98 )Chaiyo393(c.t. Tegu Sun 20/08/23

Player statistics