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*deleted* (14/05/13)
Registered since: 08/03/13
Deletion: 14/05/13
Playtime: 67 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 20)
Log: (Entries: 20)
08/03/13Village (84|7) settled.
23/03/13Village (79|-19) settled.
28/03/13Village (82|-18) settled.
01/04/13Village (80|-17) settled.
08/04/13Village (78|-19) settled.
13/04/13Village (86|-22) settled.
19/04/13Village (76|-19) settled.
23/04/13(80|-21) conquered by M d rufy (DAEMONS).
26/04/13(107|1) conquered by gunner.
01/05/13(73|-12) conquered by xBaff.
11/05/13 (80|-21) conquered by TheNoob (U.F.*).
11/05/13 (82|-18) conquered by Nomak (U.F.*).
12/05/13(107|1) destroyed.
13/05/13 (84|7) conquered by Nomak (U.F.*).
13/05/13 (73|-12) conquered by AYOKA (U.F.*).
13/05/13 (86|-22) conquered by TheNoob (U.F.*).
14/05/13 (76|-19) conquered by mba pep (U.F.*).
14/05/13 (78|-19) conquered by AYOKA (U.F.*).
14/05/13(79|-19) destroyed.
15/05/13Village (80|-17) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  08/03/13 till 24/04/13  (48 Days)
BoS*  25/04/13 till 11/05/13  (17 Days)
(No alliances)  12/05/13 till 14/05/13  (3 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (16 entries)
Toxicon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Toxicon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 8)
ToXicon Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
Toxicon Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
Toxicon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Toxicon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
Toxicon Speed 3x ( (2017) (deleted)
toxicon RoA x2 ( (2017) (deleted)
Toxicon Server 1 ( (2017) (deleted)
Toxicon Server 3 ( (2016) (deleted)
toxicon Server 3 ( (2015) (deleted)
Toxicon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
Toxicon Server 1 ( (2014) (deleted)
Toxicon Server 4 ( (2014) (deleted)
Toxicon Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
toxicon Server 3 ( (2013) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 80|-17 )TOXIC IV(settledMon 01/04/13

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 80|-21 )TOXIC VIII970(c.t. TheNoob Sat 11/05/13
( 82|-18 )TOXIC III738(c.t. Nomak Sat 11/05/13
( 107|1 )TOXIC IX737 (destroyed Sun 12/05/13
( 84|7 )I dont care if die818(c.t. Nomak Mon 13/05/13
( 73|-12 )TOXIC X681(c.t. AYOKA Mon 13/05/13
( 86|-22 )TOXIC VI611(c.t. TheNoob Mon 13/05/13
( 76|-19 )TOXIC VII555(c.t. mba pep Tue 14/05/13
( 78|-19 )TOXIC V518(c.t. AYOKA Tue 14/05/13
( 79|-19 )Psycho139 (destroyed Tue 14/05/13
( 80|-17 )TOXIC IV406 (deleted Wed 15/05/13

Player statistics