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lu maurizius (

Name: lu maurizius
Rank: 1043 (68 raised)
Alliance: RAPFORCE
Villages: 9 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 5,193 (+912)
Registered since: 29/12/13
Playtime: 101 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 21)
Log: (Entries: 21)
29/12/13Village (109|-76) settled.
06/01/14Village (129|-114) settled.
17/01/14(129|-114) destroyed.
20/01/14Village (207|209) settled.
03/02/14Village (205|210) settled.
15/02/14Village (208|213) settled.
24/02/14Village (-5|24) settled.
27/02/14 (109|-76) conquered by idene14 (@&B).
04/03/14(213|195) conquered by xXxThePlaysxXx.
08/03/14(216|198) conquered by xXxThePlaysxXx.
12/03/14 (213|195) conquered by TripleHope (AVENGER$).
12/03/14(216|198) destroyed.
14/03/14Village (-7|26) settled.
16/03/14(187|232) conquered by VERCINGIATORIGE.
21/03/14 (-5|24) conquered by Legion (URUK ACC).
23/03/14(193|230) conquered by VERCINGIATORIGE (R&D).
28/03/14Village (206|214) settled.
31/03/14(193|229) conquered by VERCINGIATORIGE (R&D).
07/04/14(173|320) conquered by Never.
08/04/14 (-7|26) conquered by Legion (URUK ACC).
08/04/14(173|325) conquered by Never.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  29/12/13 till 02/01/14  (5 Days)
LEGIO®  03/01/14 till 20/01/14  (18 Days)
LEGIO®-A  21/01/14 
(No alliances)  22/01/14 till 31/01/14  (10 Days)
TDF  01/02/14 till 15/02/14  (15 Days)
RAPFORCE  since 16/02/14  (53 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (11 entries)
lu mauriziuson Server 6 ( (2014) (Villages: 19)
lu mauriziuson ( (2012) (Villages: 15)
lu mauriziuson Server 7 ( (2011) (Villages: 12)
lu mauriziuson ( (2011) (Villages: 15)
lu mauriziuson Server 4 ( (2011) (Villages: 14)
lu mauriziuson ( (2010) (Villages: 14)
Lu Mauriziuson ( (2010) (deleted)
lu mauriziuson ( (2010) (Villages: 12)
lu mauriziuson ( (2009) (deleted)
lu mauriziuson ( (2009) (deleted)
lu mauriziuson ( (2008) (Villages: 5)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 207|209 )ATTEN..TI AL GUL950(+31)(settledMon 20/01/14
( 205|210 )DoRaEmoN ViLlAg788(+16)(settledMon 03/02/14
( 187|232 )SaSuKe VuLlAg705(+61)(G.v. VERCINGIATORIGESun 16/03/14
( 208|213 )kingdom of Spartans607(+17)(settledSat 15/02/14
( 193|230 )Lu Maurizius504(+47)(G.v. VERCINGIATORIGESun 23/03/14
( 173|320 )Knight of the Genera490(-2)(G.v. NeverMon 07/04/14
( 193|229 )land of mutants445(+135)(G.v. VERCINGIATORIGEMon 31/03/14
( 173|325 )land of the sand385(-1)(G.v. NeverTue 08/04/14
( 206|214 )Land of the Dead319(+127)(settledFri 28/03/14

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 129|-114 )Capitale107 (destroyed Fri 17/01/14
( 109|-76 )CRIP & CROP448(c.t. idene14 Thu 27/02/14
( 213|195 )land of the Praetori565(c.t. TripleHope Wed 12/03/14
( 216|198 )SaSuKe VuLlAg349 (destroyed Wed 12/03/14
( -5|24 )Land of vampires510(c.t. Legion Fri 21/03/14
( -7|26 )Land of the Legionar455(c.t. Legion Tue 08/04/14

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