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LadyC (

Name: LadyC
Rank: 536 (4 raised)
Alliance: FORCE-NV
Villages: 10
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 7,009 (+467)
Registered since: 11/10/15
Playtime: 52 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 10)
Log: (Entries: 10)
11/10/15Village (-27|15) settled.
11/10/15Village (-26|14) settled.
11/10/15Village (-25|14) settled.
11/10/15Village (-26|13) settled.
15/10/15Village (-27|12) settled.
21/10/15Village (-27|11) settled.
27/10/15Village (-43|17) settled.
07/11/15Village (-43|16) settled.
11/11/15(-39|20) conquered by juan10.
23/11/15Village (-40|17) settled.
Alliance history:
-FP- 1  11/10/15 till 14/11/15  (35 Days)
FORCE-NV  since 15/11/15  (18 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (5 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -26|14 )Inception1004(+2)(settledSun 11/10/15
( -27|15 )Catch Me If You Can921(+37)(settledSun 11/10/15
( -25|14 )Django833(+3)(settledSun 11/10/15
( -27|12 )Titanic830(+32)(settledThu 15/10/15
( -26|13 )Shutter Island759(+3)(settledSun 11/10/15
( -27|11 )Blood Diamond759(+44)(settledWed 21/10/15
( -43|17 )The Beach693(+67)(settledTue 27/10/15
( -39|20 )Gangs of New York553(+90)(G.v. juan10Wed 11/11/15
( -43|16 )Body of Lies486(+110)(settledSat 07/11/15
( -40|17 )Wolf of Wall Street171(+79)(settledMon 23/11/15

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