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the riddle (

Name: the riddle
Rank: 479 (25 fallen)
Alliance: IN&OUT
Villages: 23
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 17,300 (+9)
Registered since: 09/12/12
Playtime: 113 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 27)
Log: (Entries: 27)
09/12/12Village (31|62) settled.
12/12/12Village (52|115) settled.
16/12/12Village (49|113) settled.
21/12/12Village (50|115) settled.
28/12/12Village (51|115) settled.
30/12/12(52|118) conquered by Player2012 (bio).
05/01/13(54|125) conquered by scamandro (dragoni).
09/01/13(51|125) conquered by scamandro (dragoni).
13/01/13(49|115) conquered by Alter.
15/01/13(59|125) conquered by David (Betsabea).
16/01/13(58|117) conquered by I Zalocchi (H&L).
17/01/13(78|133) conquered by Demolition Man (RULERS).
18/01/13(58|120) conquered by I Zalocchi (H&L).
20/01/13(49|61) conquered by I Zalocchi (H&L).
22/01/13(41|67) conquered by I Zalocchi (H&L).
23/01/13(59|115) conquered by I Zalocchi (H&L).
29/01/13(49|123) conquered by Aostadomina (RULERS).
29/01/13(61|117) conquered by Aostadomina (RULERS).
10/02/13 (78|133) conquered by AleOne (IMPERIAL).
14/02/13(78|133) conquered by AleOne (IMPERIAL).
15/02/13(62|116) conquered by Natar.
18/02/13(126|113) conquered by krikketto (IMPERIAL).
19/02/13(130|112) conquered by krikketto.
27/02/13(51|128) conquered by evas430.
27/02/13(52|124) conquered by evas430.
02/03/13(32|102) conquered by All In (IN&OUT).
06/03/13 (32|102) conquered by Mr.305 (IN&OUT).
Alliance history:
SMILES  09/12/12 till 21/12/12  (13 Days)
IN&OUT  22/12/12 till 15/03/13  (84 Days)
IN OUT  16/03/13 till 17/03/13  (2 Days)
IN&OUT  since 18/03/13  (15 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
The Riddleon ( (2010) (deleted)
The Riddleon ( (2010) (deleted)
The Riddleon ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 52|115 )02) Siracusa1116(+9)(settledWed 12/12/12
( 41|67 )15)Hall Of Pain948(G.v. I ZalocchiTue 22/01/13
( 31|62 )01) Siracusa922(settledSun 09/12/12
( 126|113 )20) Siracusa905(G.v. krikkettoMon 18/02/13
( 51|128 )22) Siracusa878(G.v. evas430Wed 27/02/13
( 52|118 )06) Siracusa852(G.v. Player2012Sun 30/12/12
( 49|115 )09) Firenze851(G.v. AlterSun 13/01/13
( 49|113 )03) Siracusa825(settledSun 16/12/12
( 58|117 )11)Main Of Pain794(G.v. I ZalocchiWed 16/01/13
( 54|125 )07) Siracusa779(G.v. scamandroSat 05/01/13
( 49|61 )14)Sticks Of Pain777(G.v. I ZalocchiSun 20/01/13
( 59|125 )10) Siracusa766(G.v. DavidTue 15/01/13
( 58|120 )13)Mouth Of Pain734(G.v. I ZalocchiFri 18/01/13
( 50|115 )04) Siracusa734(settledFri 21/12/12
( 130|112 )21) Siracusa727(G.v. krikkettoTue 19/02/13
( 51|125 )08) Siracusa697(G.v. scamandroWed 09/01/13
( 51|115 )05) Siracusa664(settledFri 28/12/12
( 59|115 )16)Wall Of Pain638(G.v. I ZalocchiWed 23/01/13
( 61|117 )18) Siracusa615(G.v. AostadominaTue 29/01/13
( 49|123 )17) Siracusa596(G.v. AostadominaTue 29/01/13
( 78|133 )12) Siracusa575(G.v. AleOneThu 14/02/13
( 52|124 )23) Siracusa477(G.v. evas430Wed 27/02/13
( 62|116 )19) SIracusa430(G.v. NatarFri 15/02/13

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 32|102 )+GM/ GG549(c.t. Mr.305 Wed 06/03/13

Player statistics