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White Death (

Name: White Death
Rank: 1998 (52 fallen)
Alliance: DaciaA
Villages: 12
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 10,086 (+10)
Registered since: 16/11/20
Playtime: 115 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 28)
Log: (Entries: 28)
16/11/20Village (-27|17) settled.
19/11/20Village (-27|27) settled.
26/11/20Village (-27|28) settled.
30/11/20Village (-28|29) settled.
04/12/20Village (-22|27) settled.
06/12/20Village (9|21) settled.
08/12/20Village (-26|28) settled.
11/12/20(-5|33) conquered by LSD (DaciaNV1).
17/12/20(-29|17) conquered by Villar21 (ML chngs).
18/12/20(8|22) conquered by BIGPOPPA (Hunor).
20/12/20 (8|22) conquered by Unicornoflove (Hunor).
21/12/20(-35|30) conquered by peace&pirates (JDN-VQT).
27/12/20(-25|28) conquered by Tronin (Dacia W).
02/01/21(-31|43) conquered by TheOgre (Dacia W).
04/01/21(-29|24) conquered by avaas_007 (HunteRIP).
09/01/21(-61|47) conquered by Good Riddance (PP).
11/01/21 (-61|47) conquered by El Terror (DACIARox).
16/01/21(-61|47) conquered by BiG D (DACIARox).
17/01/21 (-61|47) conquered by SetOfKings (DISWARTS).
18/01/21(106|117) conquered by جالدك جالدك (MT).
19/01/21 (106|117) conquered by b-ananartista (SPQR+TW).
20/01/21(-98|-1) conquered by hitman (DACIA).
05/02/21(-26|41) conquered by Baal Aur.
06/02/21 (-26|41) conquered by CD TEAM (Dacia NV).
06/02/21(-22|30) conquered by vatrogasac (PP).
08/02/21 (-98|-1) conquered by Nmt (Viet Nam).
09/02/21 (9|21) conquered by Unicornoflove (Hunor).
21/02/21(-27|17) destroyed.
Alliance history:
DACIA  16/11/20 till 17/11/20  (2 Days)
DACIARox  18/11/20 till 02/03/21  (105 Days)
DaciaA  since 03/03/21  (9 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (18 entries)
White Deathon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
White deathon Server 42 ( (2021) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2021) (Villages: 12)
White Deathon Server 4 ( (2019) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2018) (deleted)
White deathon Server 30 ( (2017) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2017) (Villages: 14)
White Deathon Server 62 ( (2017) (Villages: 14)
White Deathon Speed 3x [] ( (2017) (deleted)
White Deathon Speed 3x [] ( (2015) (deleted)
White Deathon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
WhitE DeatHon Server 8 ( (2012) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2011) (Villages: 2)
White Deathon Server 7 ( (2011) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2010) (deleted)
WHITE DEATHon ( (2009) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2008) (deleted)
White Deathon ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -25|28 )00.11092(G.v. TroninSun 27/12/20
( -29|24 )00.21082(G.v. avaas_007Mon 04/01/21
( -31|43 )00.31079(G.v. TheOgreSat 02/01/21
( -27|28 )02. Death Note1070(settledThu 26/11/20
( -22|30 )00.41002(+4)(G.v. vatrogasacSat 06/02/21
( -27|27 )00. Konohagakure901(+6)(settledThu 19/11/20
( -29|17 )07. GastroBar680(G.v. Villar21Thu 17/12/20
( -35|30 )08. Căpă mafiotu662(G.v. peace&piratesMon 21/12/20
( -22|27 )04. Mereu Punctuali647(settledFri 04/12/20
( -26|28 )05. NE-ELITE643(settledTue 08/12/20
( -28|29 )03. Bleach634(settledMon 30/11/20
( -5|33 )06. DinamoBucuresti594(G.v. LSDFri 11/12/20

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 8|22 )08.MyrmIsBack516(c.t. Unicornoflove Sun 20/12/20
( -61|47 )-20-690(c.t. SetOfKings Sun 17/01/21
( 106|117 )333936(c.t. b-ananartista Tue 19/01/21
( -26|41 )Afumaţi747(c.t. CD TEAM Sat 06/02/21
( -98|-1 )HELL GATES996(c.t. Nmt Mon 08/02/21
( 9|21 )Punctuali ca moartea857(c.t. Unicornoflove Tue 09/02/21
( -27|17 )01. One Punch1116 (destroyed Sun 21/02/21

Player statistics