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Hofight (

Name: Hofight
Rank: 1762 (178 fallen)
Alliance: A-开阳
Villages: 9 (-1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 7,158 (-985)
Registered since: 26/11/24
Playtime: 91 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 55)
Log: (Entries: 55)
26/11/24Village (-84|-24) settled.
26/11/24Village (-21|-34) settled.
28/11/24(-23|-29) conquered by Erabus (MoG).
30/11/24(-27|-34) conquered by Valera_IF (Uolas).
02/12/24 (-27|-34) conquered by 大贤良师张角 (A-瑶光).
02/12/24(-11|-35) conquered by CrazyDolphin (Uolas).
05/12/24(-20|-36) conquered by yDrago (Uolas).
05/12/24Village (-18|-33) settled.
09/12/24Village (-18|-35) settled.
11/12/24Village (-20|-35) settled.
15/12/24Village (-18|-36) settled.
18/12/24Village (-20|-34) settled.
21/12/24Village (-19|-36) settled.
24/12/24Village (-22|-35) settled.
27/12/24Village (-21|-35) settled.
30/12/24Village (31|-14) settled.
02/01/25(28|-12) conquered by 我爱一条柴 (A-天枢).
04/01/25(-116|-154) conquered by Ekaterina (A-天枢).
07/01/25Village (-113|-155) settled.
16/01/25Village (31|-11) settled.
17/01/25(30|-21) conquered by Persephone (DW).
18/01/25Village (-58|11) settled.
20/01/25Village (31|-10) settled.
21/01/25(-89|-14) conquered by qwe (A-瑶光).
29/01/25Village (29|-12) settled.
03/02/25(64|-56) conquered by Трэвис Бикл (DW).
04/02/25(19|-130) conquered by 桑落未央 (A-天枢).
05/02/25(62|-61) conquered by martincool (A-天权).
06/02/25 (-11|-35) conquered by 亚历山大大帝 (A-瑶光).
06/02/25(26|-13) conquered by Zohan (DW).
06/02/25Village (8|-6) settled.
07/02/25 (8|-6) conquered by 大贤良师张角 (A-瑶光).
07/02/25 (-84|-24) conquered by 亚历山大大帝 (A-瑶光).
09/02/25 (62|-61) conquered by I See You (CLMB).
09/02/25(5|-126) conquered by 桑落未央 (A-天枢).
09/02/25(33|-5) conquered by Vurony (A-天璣).
10/02/25(26|-8) conquered by 垦丁机车 (A-爱你).
11/02/25 (19|-130) conquered by MissTake (CLMB).
12/02/25 (-116|-154) conquered by 诗仙太白 (A-天枢).
12/02/25 (5|-126) conquered by Snatch (MGM).
12/02/25 (26|-13) conquered by 垦丁机车 (A-爱你).
12/02/25 (31|-11) conquered by Robert Downey (MGM).
12/02/25 (26|-8) conquered by 垦丁机车 (A-爱你).
12/02/25 (33|-5) conquered by 垦丁机车 (A-爱你).
13/02/25 (-18|-33) conquered by sunky (A-瑶光).
13/02/25 (-20|-34) conquered by Simcity (A-瑶光).
13/02/25 (-20|-35) conquered by wjw (A-瑶光).
13/02/25 (-20|-36) conquered by 亚历山大大帝 (A-瑶光).
14/02/25 (-19|-36) conquered by wjw (A-瑶光).
14/02/25 (-22|-35) conquered by microfox (A-瑶光).
14/02/25(30|-21) destroyed.
15/02/25(29|-12) destroyed.
15/02/25(31|-14) destroyed.
18/02/25 (31|-10) conquered by Batman (MGM).
21/02/25(28|-12) destroyed.
Alliance history:
A-天璇  26/11/24 till 17/12/24  (22 Days)
A-天枢  18/12/24 till 29/12/24  (12 Days)
A-开阳  30/12/24 
A-天枢  31/12/24 till 08/02/25  (40 Days)
A-天璇  09/02/25 till 10/02/25  (2 Days)
A-天璣  11/02/25 
A-开阳  since 12/02/25  (14 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (4 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -21|-34 )Hofight011034(settledTue 26/11/24
( -113|-155 ) hofight17查攻村922(settledTue 07/01/25
( 64|-56 )WW村870(G.v. Трэвис БиклMon 03/02/25
( -18|-35 )Hofight05838(settledMon 09/12/24
( -18|-36 )Hofight07790(settledSun 15/12/24
( -21|-35 )Hofight11728(settledFri 27/12/24
( -89|-14 )Hofight16712(G.v. qweTue 21/01/25
( -58|11 )PS helper672(settledSat 18/01/25
( -23|-29 )Hofight02592(G.v. ErabusThu 28/11/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -27|-34 )Hofight03310(c.t. 大贤良师张角 Mon 02/12/24
( -11|-35 )Hofight主村875(c.t. 亚历山大大帝 Thu 06/02/25
( 8|-6 ) 0.1 A270(c.t. 大贤良师张角 Fri 07/02/25
( -84|-24 )Hofight00849(c.t. 亚历山大大帝 Fri 07/02/25
( 62|-61 )WW DEF BOOM738(c.t. I See You Sun 09/02/25
( 19|-130 )東南y軸村701(c.t. MissTake Tue 11/02/25
( 31|-11 )Hofight13648(c.t. Robert Downey Wed 12/02/25
( 26|-8 )09 |608(c.t. 垦丁机车 Wed 12/02/25
( 33|-5 )hofight26842(c.t. 垦丁机车 Wed 12/02/25
( 26|-13 )hofight25680(c.t. 垦丁机车 Wed 12/02/25
( 5|-126 )hofight27619(c.t. Snatch Wed 12/02/25
( -116|-154 )大眼(只排兵)994(c.t. 诗仙太白 Wed 12/02/25
( -18|-33 )Hofight04786(c.t. sunky Thu 13/02/25
( -20|-34 )Hofight08774(c.t. Simcity Thu 13/02/25
( -20|-35 )Hofight06723(c.t. wjw Thu 13/02/25
( -20|-36 )Hofight03767(c.t. 亚历山大大帝 Thu 13/02/25
( -19|-36 )hofight09751(c.t. wjw Fri 14/02/25
( -22|-35 )Hofight10782(c.t. microfox Fri 14/02/25
( 30|-21 )***The place***924 (destroyed Fri 14/02/25
( 29|-12 )Hofight17311 (destroyed Sat 15/02/25
( 31|-14 )Hofight12796 (destroyed Sat 15/02/25
( 31|-10 )Hofight15550(c.t. Batman Tue 18/02/25
( 28|-12 )Hofight14**192 (destroyed Fri 21/02/25

Player statistics