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Rank: 7 (1 raised)
Alliance: TDE
Villages: 36 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 32,578 (+1,819)
Registered since: 06/06/24
Playtime: 208 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 38)
Log: (Entries: 38)
06/06/24Village (-63|-7) settled.
17/06/24Village (-101|-101) settled.
26/06/24Village (-102|-101) settled.
04/07/24Village (-103|-100) settled.
12/07/24Village (-103|-102) settled.
19/07/24Village (-101|-102) settled.
26/07/24Village (-100|-99) settled.
29/07/24 (-63|-7) conquered by Anubi (Эй).
29/07/24Village (-100|-102) settled.
02/08/24Village (-99|-100) settled.
10/08/24Village (-105|-101) settled.
18/08/24Village (-104|-99) settled.
24/08/24Village (-101|-100) settled.
30/08/24Village (-103|-99) settled.
05/09/24Village (-106|-96) settled.
12/09/24Village (-100|-94) settled.
18/09/24(-94|-100) conquered by Karys.
23/09/24Village (-95|-98) settled.
28/09/24Village (-96|-97) settled.
04/10/24Village (-105|-88) settled.
08/10/24Village (-111|-96) settled.
13/10/24Village (-118|-101) settled.
22/10/24(-100|-47) conquered by Natars.
26/10/24(-8|-80) conquered by Natars.
30/10/24(-7|-75) conquered by Natars.
04/11/24(-43|-4) conquered by Natars.
10/11/24(-30|-27) conquered by Natars.
14/11/24(89|1) conquered by Natars.
18/11/24(25|38) conquered by Natars.
22/11/24(-58|10) conquered by Natars.
27/11/24(-7|-82) conquered by Natars.
02/12/24(-55|10) conquered by Natars.
08/12/24(38|26) conquered by Natars.
13/12/24(-49|12) conquered by Natars.
20/12/24(23|40) conquered by Natars.
24/12/24(-52|-26) conquered by Natars.
27/12/24(86|3) conquered by Natars.
31/12/24(92|-1) conquered by Natars.
Alliance history:
GER  06/06/24 till 26/06/24  (21 Days)
GFL  27/06/24 till 23/07/24  (27 Days)
TDE  since 24/07/24  (161 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (13 entries)
PAPAJOEon Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 2)
PAPAJOEon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 3)
PAPAJOEon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 5)
PAPAJOEon Server 3 ( (Villages: 3)
PAPAJOEon ( (deleted)
PAPAJOEon Server 31 [] ( (deleted)
PAPAJOEon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 7)
PAPAJOEon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 4)
PAPAJOEon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
PAPAJOEon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 10)
PAPAJOEon Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 5)
PAPAJOEon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 6)
PAPAJOEon Server 1 ( (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -102|-101 ) XY021333(+11)(settledWed 26/06/24
( -99|-100 )XY081068(settledFri 02/08/24
( -105|-101 )XY091068(settledSat 10/08/24
( -100|-102 )XY071065(settledMon 29/07/24
( -104|-99 )XY10C1044(settledSun 18/08/24
( -101|-101 )XY011042(settledMon 17/06/24
( -100|-99 )XY061041(settledFri 26/07/24
( -106|-96 )XY13C1039(+4)(settledThu 05/09/24
( -103|-100 )XY031032(settledThu 04/07/24
( -101|-102 )XY051032(settledFri 19/07/24
( -101|-100 )XY11C1015(+7)(settledSat 24/08/24
( -103|-99 )XY121002(settledFri 30/08/24
( -103|-102 )XY04988(settledFri 12/07/24
( -100|-94 )XY14980(+8)(settledThu 12/09/24
( -8|-80 )XY22H979(+27)(G.v. NatarsSat 26/10/24
( -94|-100 )XY15948(+3)(G.v. KarysWed 18/09/24
( 89|1 )XY26CCexp900(+20)(G.v. NatarsThu 14/11/24
( -95|-98 )XY16CC900(+25)(settledMon 23/09/24
( -96|-97 )XY17CC900(+35)(settledSat 28/09/24
( -43|-4 )XY24873(+27)(G.v. NatarsMon 04/11/24
( -58|10 )XY28C865(+21)(G.v. NatarsFri 22/11/24
( -55|10 )XY30863(+12)(G.v. NatarsMon 02/12/24
( -105|-88 )XY18CH860(+24)(settledFri 04/10/24
( 25|38 )XY27860(+10)(G.v. NatarsMon 18/11/24
( -111|-96 )XY19CC848(+43)(settledTue 08/10/24
( -30|-27 )XY25H844(+26)(G.v. NatarsSun 10/11/24
( -7|-75 )XY23HHH844(+33)(G.v. NatarsWed 30/10/24
( 38|26 )XY31H809(+13)(G.v. NatarsSun 08/12/24
( 23|40 )XY33H776(+22)(G.v. NatarsFri 20/12/24
( -100|-47 )XY21CHHH759(+32)(G.v. NatarsTue 22/10/24
( -118|-101 )XY20CHHH759(+40)(settledSun 13/10/24
( -49|12 )XY32HHH719(+28)(G.v. NatarsFri 13/12/24
( -7|-82 )XY29HH665(+27)(G.v. NatarsWed 27/11/24
( 86|3 )XY35HHH655(+36)(G.v. NatarsFri 27/12/24
( 92|-1 )XY36629(+16)(G.v. NatarsTue 31/12/24
( -52|-26 )XY34HHH574(+37)(G.v. NatarsTue 24/12/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -63|-7 )CITY001698(c.t. Anubi Mon 29/07/24

Player statistics