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Natars (

Name: Natars
Rank: 19 (7 fallen)
Villages: 104 (-16)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 25,598 (-1,189)
Registered since: 19/10/23
Playtime: 71 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 1536)
Log: (Entries: 1536)
19/10/23Village (-50|50) settled.
19/10/23Village (0|50) settled.
19/10/23Village (50|50) settled.
19/10/23Village (-1|6) settled.
19/10/23Village (6|3) settled.
19/10/23Village (-6|1) settled.
19/10/23Village (-50|0) settled.
19/10/23Village (0|0) settled.
19/10/23Village (50|0) settled.
19/10/23Village (5|-4) settled.
19/10/23Village (-3|-6) settled.
19/10/23Village (-50|-50) settled.
19/10/23Village (0|-50) settled.
19/10/23Village (50|-50) settled.
22/10/23(10|75) conquered by LK2.
22/10/23(-8|69) conquered by stepin.
22/10/23(2|63) conquered by DeadPool.
22/10/23(-15|62) conquered by asdasd.
22/10/23(33|62) conquered by Geyy.
22/10/23(-6|58) conquered by Paulinga.
22/10/23(23|57) conquered by Čuník.
22/10/23(31|55) conquered by Majin Boo.
22/10/23(28|52) conquered by Legionar.
22/10/23(21|50) conquered by has.
22/10/23(-48|49) conquered by Slavista.
22/10/23(11|46) conquered by zicheng05.
22/10/23(-56|43) conquered by Radovan84.
22/10/23(48|43) conquered by Günebakan.
22/10/23(-33|42) conquered by deffmaster.
22/10/23(-23|42) conquered by PresentIndustry.
22/10/23(19|40) conquered by aaabbb.
22/10/23(-4|39) conquered by asd555.
22/10/23(25|39) conquered by wer.
22/10/23(-16|38) conquered by Str1der.
22/10/23(24|35) conquered by Trajanus.
22/10/23(-29|34) conquered by bob9.
22/10/23(-6|34) conquered by bob1.
22/10/23(-38|31) conquered by kaka.
22/10/23(-30|28) conquered by Gholo.
22/10/23(34|26) conquered by s55555.
22/10/23(67|26) conquered by smaram777.
22/10/23(40|25) conquered by zichengo4.
22/10/23(-45|24) conquered by sharkybox.
22/10/23(-41|24) conquered by kok.
22/10/23(65|24) conquered by Panama.
22/10/23(46|23) conquered by .-..
22/10/23(41|21) conquered by zlo.
22/10/23(30|16) conquered by Yakhiya (T.R).
22/10/23(30|14) conquered by Whhatever.
22/10/23(37|13) conquered by asd2.
22/10/23(45|12) conquered by typp.
22/10/23(47|12) conquered by Kriegshund.
22/10/23(-45|11) conquered by wowgss2.
22/10/23(50|2) conquered by hhhh.
22/10/23(51|1) conquered by mokkuri.
22/10/23(-49|-1) conquered by Arivv.
22/10/23(-42|-4) conquered by Sirko.
22/10/23(40|-4) conquered by Don.
22/10/23(-59|-8) conquered by СварОг.
22/10/23(-58|-10) conquered by koliu.
22/10/23(47|-14) conquered by qwerty1.
22/10/23(-54|-15) conquered by Sultan laki.
22/10/23(48|-15) conquered by Jam.
22/10/23(56|-16) conquered by log.
22/10/23(45|-19) conquered by Waffle Warrior.
22/10/23(-51|-23) conquered by Cookie3.
22/10/23(18|-24) conquered by Valmet.
22/10/23(-56|-27) conquered by janez.
22/10/23(-34|-28) conquered by pavle.
22/10/23(14|-28) conquered by Khes.
22/10/23(-6|-29) conquered by Flesh Field.
22/10/23(24|-30) conquered by Idefix.
22/10/23(12|-31) conquered by LaWYeR.
22/10/23(-19|-33) conquered by asd444.
22/10/23(-15|-35) conquered by bikk.
22/10/23(-43|-36) conquered by Cookie1.
22/10/23(-36|-36) conquered by zza1.
22/10/23(-33|-36) conquered by livermaza.
22/10/23(0|-39) conquered by cefije4112.
22/10/23(-18|-44) conquered by ZED.
22/10/23(11|-46) conquered by Volla.
22/10/23(-26|-47) conquered by Kagan laki.
22/10/23(47|-47) conquered by Vicky.
22/10/23(-50|-48) conquered by bader.
22/10/23(-19|-48) conquered by Muzaa.
22/10/23(27|-49) conquered by ZiD.
22/10/23(15|-50) conquered by Snoopyz.
22/10/23(-19|-51) conquered by Kgan laki.
22/10/23(-5|-53) conquered by Car laki.
22/10/23(-20|-54) conquered by Hgh.
22/10/23(4|-54) conquered by Svinet.
22/10/23(1|-56) conquered by inna.
22/10/23(-19|-69) conquered by ezergecerr.
22/10/23(-10|-70) conquered by gogi.
22/10/23(-8|-71) conquered by lala.
23/10/23(69|42) conquered by Phoenix.
23/10/23(66|41) conquered by ZIRH.
23/10/23(-74|38) conquered by greg.
23/10/23(73|33) conquered by Smehurka3.
23/10/23(-69|25) conquered by Baghene.
23/10/23(-81|19) conquered by Aurum.
23/10/23(44|17) conquered by Bagong.
23/10/23(-63|-2) conquered by POYRAZ.
23/10/23(6|-29) conquered by SAS.
23/10/23(74|-29) conquered by kor.
23/10/23(-37|-31) conquered by abra777.
23/10/23(60|-40) conquered by matrice.
23/10/23(-63|-46) conquered by LtKwBegRap.
23/10/23(57|-46) conquered by Sarracenos.
23/10/23(-57|-48) conquered by ROSE.
23/10/23(47|-56) conquered by TryTry.
23/10/23(53|-58) conquered by HI BYE.
23/10/23(14|-60) conquered by دمار.
23/10/23(-50|-61) conquered by saw.
23/10/23(-51|-62) conquered by Test6644.
23/10/23(-38|-65) conquered by STORN.
23/10/23(-32|-67) conquered by MugiwaraNoLuffy.
23/10/23(-39|-69) conquered by Tcho.
23/10/23(-10|-75) conquered by HORUS & HATOR.
23/10/23(34|-75) conquered by Old MacDonald.
24/10/23(41|74) conquered by Cosy.
24/10/23(11|61) conquered by Dundee.
24/10/23(-12|60) conquered by Hannibal410.
24/10/23(22|53) conquered by Valardh.
24/10/23(-81|27) conquered by Joe.
24/10/23(-73|24) conquered by Sienestäjät.
24/10/23(71|18) conquered by ramzi.
24/10/23(-86|16) conquered by bayburi.
24/10/23(-82|-28) conquered by hila2015.
24/10/23(65|-45) conquered by D a N g E r.
24/10/23(-64|-57) conquered by ANGEL.
24/10/23(1|-60) conquered by CELLATHAN.
24/10/23(-12|-84) conquered by maxsfel.
25/10/23(21|88) conquered by test12344.
25/10/23(-50|77) conquered by Boruta.
25/10/23(61|-20) conquered by ALBATROS (T.C-1).
25/10/23(6|-43) conquered by cahyo.
25/10/23(-39|-44) conquered by biertje.
25/10/23(-3|-91) conquered by SkillM8.
26/10/23(15|81) conquered by Ладья666666.
26/10/23(51|77) conquered by cichosz.
26/10/23(54|77) conquered by Electra.
26/10/23(14|60) conquered by بطل (B).
26/10/23(48|55) conquered by Voniz.
26/10/23(85|22) conquered by Sleepwalk.
26/10/23(54|18) conquered by Aran.
26/10/23(-44|12) conquered by Sagemood.
26/10/23(-33|-30) conquered by Reckless.
26/10/23(-83|-43) conquered by 悠閒玩.
26/10/23(51|-45) conquered by Noobzero.
26/10/23(-16|-49) conquered by SpikeHimura.
26/10/23(15|-69) conquered by Roting.
26/10/23(-49|-79) conquered by owen2.
27/10/23(-39|81) conquered by andy.
27/10/23(-70|53) conquered by santus.
27/10/23(93|26) conquered by Szyypki.
27/10/23(-64|15) conquered by BobbyG.
27/10/23(79|-5) conquered by irmis (Mi).
27/10/23(90|-34) conquered by Kaduunanue.
27/10/23(72|-36) conquered by jens (PRO).
27/10/23(-48|-50) conquered by Shifty.
27/10/23(44|-51) conquered by Abbe (Mi).
27/10/23(59|-74) conquered by AuAhGelap.
27/10/23(-32|-90) conquered by l1nkn.
28/10/23(-10|98) conquered by testplemena.
28/10/23(20|89) conquered by ezayem.
28/10/23(35|85) conquered by nuovo99.
28/10/23(-75|14) conquered by Spritzer.
28/10/23(77|6) conquered by Leon (RB).
28/10/23(-99|2) conquered by Robin Hood.
28/10/23(95|-1) conquered by Badabouiii.
28/10/23(53|-13) conquered by Slopix.
28/10/23(-44|-15) conquered by cihakor943.
28/10/23(-43|-16) conquered by cakavo5268.
28/10/23(26|-24) conquered by Veni Vidi Vici.
28/10/23(-92|-32) conquered by Acapulco.
28/10/23(6|-34) conquered by Megan Fox.
28/10/23(-29|-64) conquered by hepig31981.
28/10/23(0|-85) conquered by Sasasese (SESG).
28/10/23(-46|-86) conquered by Kaapattu.
28/10/23(24|-87) conquered by kiğılı (1881).
28/10/23(-25|-88) conquered by Mazsi.
29/10/23 (15|81) conquered by MASHINA (BK).
29/10/23 (1|-60) conquered by SamaBIER (WAR-W).
29/10/23(-43|90) conquered by aeegir.
29/10/23(-9|51) conquered by shinsei (FG).
29/10/23(-30|49) conquered by BeG (XYZ).
29/10/23(82|44) conquered by dNx.
29/10/23(-64|37) conquered by Barber (PNX).
29/10/23(-88|23) conquered by Apofisz (good).
29/10/23(-99|11) conquered by tralala.
29/10/23(-80|11) conquered by brasileiras.
29/10/23(100|8) conquered by G03.
29/10/23(50|-5) conquered by Blue Raven.
29/10/23(63|-25) conquered by marsupi86.
29/10/23(62|-38) conquered by fresquinho.
29/10/23(-42|-42) conquered by jati (WARac).
29/10/23(-22|-55) conquered by BOSANSKI ATILA.
29/10/23(72|-58) conquered by Caesaris (T.C-3).
29/10/23(50|-77) conquered by Gobbler.
29/10/23(68|-95) conquered by Asilas.
29/10/23(28|-96) conquered by ass.
30/10/23(-5|80) conquered by R3S6o.
30/10/23(70|74) conquered by Eloi.
30/10/23(-22|68) conquered by Bad Bunny.
30/10/23(47|62) conquered by Legend Toretto (TNT).
30/10/23(-52|51) conquered by Binbumdun.
30/10/23(15|46) conquered by saudi (BAN).
30/10/23(10|37) conquered by Kulatra.
30/10/23(93|20) conquered by Zehra (T.C-1).
30/10/23(-67|18) conquered by Chłopaki3 (TRN-1).
30/10/23(-93|3) conquered by Rakvicka.
30/10/23(-70|-5) conquered by Kodak.
30/10/23(-40|-34) conquered by seyep66871.
30/10/23(-53|-47) conquered by Calle 13.
30/10/23(53|-49) conquered by HHounds.
30/10/23(33|-63) conquered by Jason X.
30/10/23(-15|-70) conquered by Blackwolf (HW).
30/10/23(33|-74) conquered by cosa (Mi).
30/10/23(-43|-76) conquered by Ramzes64.
30/10/23(26|-76) conquered by hey.
30/10/23(-9|-85) conquered by MASTERS.
30/10/23(-28|-97) conquered by yaser.
31/10/23 (-5|80) conquered by kickboxing (TRN-1).
31/10/23 (73|33) conquered by Sefcik (TNT).
31/10/23 (79|-5) conquered by LeJo (EU).
31/10/23 (72|-36) conquered by athenea (Mi).
31/10/23 (-25|-88) conquered by Sharkill.
31/10/23(13|82) conquered by Nice.
31/10/23(-55|81) conquered by PassTheTime (PNX).
31/10/23(26|73) conquered by SnowWhite (T.R).
31/10/23(-45|67) conquered by Josket.
31/10/23(53|61) conquered by Cibex.
31/10/23(-44|36) conquered by Silvermoon.
31/10/23(-76|32) conquered by Mastro Old.
31/10/23(-21|26) conquered by raulati (PT).
31/10/23(83|23) conquered by Grabarz.
31/10/23(-51|16) conquered by Narib69.
31/10/23(-79|13) conquered by klk.
31/10/23(-27|-12) conquered by Imperias.
31/10/23(-38|-13) conquered by serdar14 (TRY).
31/10/23(13|-61) conquered by uriel.
31/10/23(66|-66) conquered by marzaneczka.
31/10/23(-28|-69) conquered by Tiger (TBM).
31/10/23(-31|-76) conquered by Mambo Kings.
31/10/23(8|-91) conquered by adict (adict).
01/11/23 (47|62) conquered by ARR (RB).
01/11/23 (82|44) conquered by star (+BU++).
01/11/23 (10|37) conquered by Sharky (CERBS).
01/11/23 (-27|-12) conquered by lopata_tz (WAR).
01/11/23 (-15|-70) conquered by Fly (WAR).
01/11/23(40|82) conquered by Shoon.
01/11/23(-41|77) conquered by feantur.
01/11/23(-16|75) conquered by Arcángel.
01/11/23(-37|69) conquered by Verreno (PNX).
01/11/23(-15|53) conquered by bighammer.
01/11/23(-92|42) conquered by etzel.
01/11/23(-99|21) conquered by qat.
01/11/23(-89|1) conquered by Elord.
01/11/23(103|-2) conquered by Uranium.
01/11/23(-1|-38) conquered by Iq1.
01/11/23(-47|-49) conquered by Sheva.
01/11/23(68|-51) conquered by astra92.
01/11/23(-68|-60) conquered by Jevta.
01/11/23(83|-61) conquered by ggg.
01/11/23(70|-72) conquered by qat1.
01/11/23(24|-75) conquered by Weed.
01/11/23(60|-75) conquered by Janus.
01/11/23(51|-84) conquered by Norah (N).
01/11/23(22|-97) conquered by musafebaz35.
01/11/23(-23|-101) conquered by Защитник.
01/11/23(45|-187) conquered by XDD.
01/11/23(-79|13) destroyed.
02/11/23 (-22|-55) conquered by krawini (WAR-W).
02/11/23 (-28|-69) conquered by Broskvi (3P).
02/11/23 (0|-85) conquered by C4 BALA POWER (EURO$).
02/11/23 (8|-91) conquered by candx.
02/11/23(2|102) conquered by Keeper.
02/11/23(11|102) conquered by mustafaerol77.
02/11/23(-11|90) conquered by Suntem Rai.
02/11/23(-41|80) conquered by fff.
02/11/23(-60|70) conquered by Sunnrayzz.
02/11/23(-55|67) conquered by Sylvie50 (TEM).
02/11/23(83|64) conquered by prova1.
02/11/23(100|53) conquered by ken (RB).
02/11/23(-61|33) conquered by deleter.
02/11/23(88|19) conquered by Niko (T.C-1).
02/11/23(-59|15) conquered by waricca11.
02/11/23(105|13) conquered by Bunji.
02/11/23(-87|-10) conquered by klestir.
02/11/23(-40|-13) conquered by Piyanist (TRY).
02/11/23(23|-23) conquered by Farmer.
02/11/23(86|-30) conquered by Yebat.
02/11/23(-30|-88) conquered by ozzo15 (WOODS).
02/11/23(21|-94) conquered by acho (WOODS).
03/11/23 (26|73) conquered by wowgss (RB).
03/11/23 (11|61) conquered by Nolimit City (RB).
03/11/23 (100|53) conquered by testa&hell (F K).
03/11/23 (-19|-33) conquered by springfielder (SP).
03/11/23 (-40|-34) conquered by jexbup (.NBD.).
03/11/23 (-68|-60) conquered by Johnysmrtak (WAR-L).
... All (1536)
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  since 19/10/23  (72 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (100 entries)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 337)
Natarson ( (Villages: 315)
Natarson Server 100 [] ( (Villages: 81)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 443)
Natarson Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 223)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 218)
Natarson ( (Villages: 528)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 298)
Natarson Server 20 ( (Villages: 585)
Natarson Server 5 ( (Villages: 1154)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 851)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 224)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 306)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 908)
Natarson ( (Villages: 1005)
Natarson ( (Villages: 276)
Natarson ( (Villages: 244)
Natarson ( (Villages: 176)
Natarson ( (Villages: 112)
Natarson Server 31 ( (Villages: 304)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 274)
Natarson Server 4 ( (Villages: 1595)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 127)
Natarson Server 32 [] ( (Villages: 248)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 661)
Natarson ( (Villages: 165)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 182)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 381)
Natarson Server 3 ( (Villages: 2775)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 633)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1373)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 803)
Natarson ( (Villages: 5)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 240)
Natarson Server 2 ( (Villages: 2661)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 368)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 358)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 845)
Natarson Server 1 ( (Villages: 1187)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 185)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 224)
Natarson Server 9 ( (Villages: 582)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 12)
Natarson ( (Villages: 677)
Natarson ( (Villages: 231)
Natarson ( (Villages: 185)
Natarson ( (Villages: 3)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 181)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 611)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 75)
Natarson Server 8 ( (Villages: 547)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 247)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 316)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 48)
Natarson Server 3 ( (Villages: 2775)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 351)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 413)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 534)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 187)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 157)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2024) (Villages: 905)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 179)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2024) (Villages: 613)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2024) (Villages: 444)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 14)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 40)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 113)
Natarson Server 5 ( (2024) (Villages: 357)
Natarson Server 4 ( (2024) (Villages: 277)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 122)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 169)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2024) (Villages: 139)
Natarson Server 2 ( (2024) (Villages: 297)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 68)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 90)
Natarson Server 1 ( (2024) (Villages: 245)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 34)
Natarson Server 9 ( (2024) (Villages: 96)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 59)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 96)
Natarson Server 8 ( (2023) (Villages: 265)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2023) (Villages: 199)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2023) (Villages: 50)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2023) (Villages: 182)
Natarson Server 5 ( (2023) (Villages: 101)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 15)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 7)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 91)
Natarson Server 4 ( (2023) (Villages: 262)
Natarson Server 3 ( (2023) (Villages: 357)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 267)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 259)
Natarson Server 2 ( (2023) (Villages: 1048)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 231)
Natarson Server 1 ( (2023) (Villages: 534)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 257)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 46)
Natarson Server 9 ( (2023) (Villages: 2194)
Natarson Glory of Sparta x2 ( (2023) (Villages: 196)
Natarson Server 8 ( (2023) (Villages: 1438)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 0|-50 )WW TRNORUZICA1315(+278)(settledThu 19/10/23
( 50|50 )WW Village1279(+411)(settledThu 19/10/23
( 50|0 )CERBS+RB+TNT+T.R1172(+142)(settledThu 19/10/23
( -15|-35 )Quarterback1070(+12)(G.v. bikkSun 22/10/23
( -37|-31 )Franciacorta1039(+3)(G.v. abra777Mon 23/10/23
( 50|-77 )Kaimas1037(+84)(G.v. GobblerSun 29/10/23
( -33|-30 )08 RAMMSTEIN1036(+6)(G.v. RecklessThu 26/10/23
( 10|75 )061018(+9)(G.v. LK2Sun 22/10/23
( 56|-16 )B1008(G.v. logSun 22/10/23
( -44|12 )!!!111!!! Stop farm1004(G.v. SagemoodThu 26/10/23
( 50|-50 )SWAMP999(+186)(settledThu 19/10/23
( -50|77 )27 Genesis998(+40)(G.v. BorutaWed 25/10/23
( 30|14 )13 - Poney frinjean988(+80)(G.v. WhhateverSun 22/10/23
( 18|-24 )994-sup.zanato ct973(G.v. ValmetSun 22/10/23
( 26|-76 )Citânia de Briteiros967(+13)(G.v. heyMon 30/10/23
( -29|34 )!!!11111111111111!!!967(G.v. bob9Sun 22/10/23
( 1|-56 )Pax Julia966(+11)(G.v. innaSun 22/10/23
( -26|-47 )12.BEATLES963(+45)(G.v. Kagan lakiSun 22/10/23
( 23|-23 )O960(+10)(G.v. FarmerThu 02/11/23
( -45|11 )2.1959(G.v. wowgss2Sun 22/10/23
( -93|3 )COW ++957(+31)(G.v. RakvickaMon 30/10/23
( -50|50 )BSK-3p-French WW953(+267)(settledThu 19/10/23
( -43|90 )BULL8947(+11)(G.v. aeegirSun 29/10/23
( -67|18 )B16 - America946(+17)(G.v. Chłopaki3Mon 30/10/23
( 54|77 )Pedro dictador946(+32)(G.v. ElectraThu 26/10/23
( -41|80 )O.946(+14)(G.v. fffThu 02/11/23
( 30|16 )09 - Mimi Jeangnarde945(+54)(G.v. YakhiyaSun 22/10/23
( 65|-45 )008-sup.cap941(G.v. D a N g E rTue 24/10/23
( -48|49 )19 - WIN TO WIN939(+22)(G.v. SlavistaSun 22/10/23
( -55|81 )D939(+7)(G.v. PassTheTimeTue 31/10/23
( 53|-58 )Automatix939(+8)(G.v. HI BYEMon 23/10/23
( -86|16 )Hafez935(+41)(G.v. bayburiTue 24/10/23
( 33|-74 )Megtorló 13.934(+26)(G.v. cosaMon 30/10/23
( -39|81 )M926(+13)(G.v. andyFri 27/10/23
( -16|38 )LC7a922(G.v. Str1derSun 22/10/23
( -59|15 )B13 - India921(+25)(G.v. waricca11Thu 02/11/23
( -38|31 )obsazeno920(+4)(G.v. kakaSun 22/10/23
( -5|-53 )'16| Super Shy918(+4)(G.v. Car lakiSun 22/10/23
( 0|0 ) Natars918(+50)(settledThu 19/10/23
( -89|1 )07.War Pigs916(+10)(G.v. ElordWed 01/11/23
( 15|-69 )Brigantia914(+18)(G.v. RotingThu 26/10/23
( 70|-72 )blablabla6913(+45)(G.v. qat1Wed 01/11/23
( 47|-56 )Connecticut911(+34)(G.v. TryTryMon 23/10/23
( -11|90 )INFARTO901(+31)(G.v. Suntem RaiThu 02/11/23
( 60|-40 )010-TSU898(G.v. matriceMon 23/10/23
( -57|-48 )Micetto 9891(+3)(G.v. ROSEMon 23/10/23
( -64|15 )B11 - New Mexico890(-3)(G.v. BobbyGFri 27/10/23
( 66|-66 )004877(+2)(G.v. marzaneczkaTue 31/10/23
( -36|-36 )Dorf 2876(G.v. zza1Sun 22/10/23
( -33|-36 )Dorf 1873(G.v. livermazaSun 22/10/23
( -63|-46 )Micetto 11870(+2)(G.v. LtKwBegRapMon 23/10/23
( -74|38 )B.23 TY*869(+52)(G.v. gregMon 23/10/23
( -75|14 )3869(G.v. SpritzerSat 28/10/23
( -6|34 )Leif866(G.v. bob1Sun 22/10/23
( 48|43 )Rome10863(G.v. GünebakanSun 22/10/23
( -49|-79 )FASUJEŠ862(+4)(G.v. owen2Thu 26/10/23
( 6|-43 )03859(G.v. cahyoWed 25/10/23
( 68|-51 )012-sup.bonny858(+6)(G.v. astra92Wed 01/11/23
( -18|-44 )09 Springfield856(+4)(G.v. ZEDSun 22/10/23
( -83|-43 )Dorp6854(+54)(G.v. 悠閒玩Thu 26/10/23
( 27|-49 )XII. Village854(+35)(G.v. ZiDSun 22/10/23
( 93|26 )4853(+36)(G.v. SzyypkiFri 27/10/23
( 21|50 )09.Notorius B.I.G848(G.v. hasSun 22/10/23
( -88|23 )08. Good morning848(G.v. ApofiszSun 29/10/23
( -51|16 )WW Support845(+21)(G.v. Narib69Tue 31/10/23
( 62|-38 )Panoramix844(+12)(G.v. fresquinhoSun 29/10/23
( 47|-47 )OCSYKE03843(G.v. VickySun 22/10/23
( 24|-87 )___Smurf Shroom840(+4)(G.v. kiğılıSat 28/10/23
( 11|46 )15.840(+21)(G.v. zicheng05Sun 22/10/23
( 28|-96 )6dolinaS836(+43)(G.v. assSun 29/10/23
( 90|-34 )Gamões III834(+46)(G.v. KaduunanueFri 27/10/23
( -61|33 )Goda Hand 13833(+8)(G.v. deleterThu 02/11/23
( 22|-97 )10dolinaS830(+67)(G.v. musafebaz35Wed 01/11/23
( -64|37 )Goda Hand 7827(G.v. BarberSun 29/10/23
( -10|-70 )32 - Going crazy825(+86)(G.v. gogiSun 22/10/23
( 41|21 )Old825(-89)(G.v. zloSun 22/10/23
( -6|-29 )10823(G.v. Flesh FieldSun 22/10/23
( 6|-29 )09823(G.v. SASMon 23/10/23
( 33|62 )King&Queen #9822(+6)(G.v. GeyySun 22/10/23
( 85|22 )A10 Gotcha821(+22)(G.v. SleepwalkThu 26/10/23
( -30|28 )10816(-50)(G.v. GholoSun 22/10/23
( 50|2 )02 BAKÜ812(G.v. hhhhSun 22/10/23
( -33|42 )S09812(G.v. deffmasterSun 22/10/23
( 21|-94 )7. Karadoc811(G.v. achoThu 02/11/23
( 24|-75 )Viriato810(+30)(G.v. WeedWed 01/11/23
( 83|64 )Styepan810(-74)(G.v. prova1Thu 02/11/23
( 13|-61 )Dru1807(G.v. urielTue 31/10/23
( 69|42 )19801(G.v. PhoenixMon 23/10/23
( -4|39 )9799(+14)(G.v. asd555Sun 22/10/23
( -56|-27 )13Flame799(+19)(G.v. janezSun 22/10/23
( -23|42 )Secuela799(G.v. PresentIndustrySun 22/10/23
( 61|-20 )08795(+8)(G.v. ALBATROSWed 25/10/23
( 47|12 )11794(G.v. KriegshundSun 22/10/23
( 40|25 )Phaistos787(G.v. zichengo4Sun 22/10/23
( -76|32 )Goda Hand 15787(G.v. Mastro OldTue 31/10/23
( 12|-31 )07_Fangorn787(+1)(G.v. LaWYeRSun 22/10/23
( -92|42 )Old Town787(+35)(G.v. etzelWed 01/11/23
( -43|-76 )Tý neprovokuj786(+2)(G.v. Ramzes64Mon 30/10/23
( -42|-4 )Jaguar781(G.v. SirkoSun 22/10/23
( -51|-23 )19 LITECOIN*780(G.v. Cookie3Sun 22/10/23
( -19|-69 )10.MVI-b780(G.v. ezergecerrSun 22/10/23
... All (255)

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 1|-60 )Natars 1|-60214(c.t. SamaBIER Sun 29/10/23
( 15|81 )Natars 15|81428(c.t. MASHINA Sun 29/10/23
( -5|80 )Natars -5|80406(c.t. kickboxing Tue 31/10/23
( 73|33 )Natars 73|33333(c.t. Sefcik Tue 31/10/23
( 79|-5 )Natars 79|-5346(c.t. LeJo Tue 31/10/23
( 72|-36 )Natars 72|-36365(c.t. athenea Tue 31/10/23
( -25|-88 )Natars -25|-88271(c.t. Sharkill Tue 31/10/23
( -27|-12 )Natars -27|-12368(c.t. lopata_tz Wed 01/11/23
( -79|13 )Natars -79|1321 (destroyed Wed 01/11/23
( -15|-70 ) Natars -15|-70500(c.t. Fly Wed 01/11/23
( 10|37 )Natars 10|37431(c.t. Sharky Wed 01/11/23
( 82|44 )Natars 82|44262(c.t. star Wed 01/11/23
( 47|62 )Natars 47|62266(c.t. ARR Wed 01/11/23
( -22|-55 )Natars -22|-55379(c.t. krawini Thu 02/11/23
( -28|-69 )Natars -28|-69369(c.t. Broskvi Thu 02/11/23
( 0|-85 ) Natars 0|-85224(c.t. C4 BALA POWER Thu 02/11/23
( 8|-91 )Natars 8|-91362(c.t. candx Thu 02/11/23
( 26|73 )Natars 26|73429(c.t. wowgss Fri 03/11/23
( 11|61 )Natars 11|61332(c.t. Nolimit City Fri 03/11/23
( 100|53 ) Natars 100|53336(c.t. testa&hell Fri 03/11/23
( -19|-33 )Natars -19|-33163(c.t. springfielder Fri 03/11/23
( -40|-34 )Natars -40|-34199(c.t. jexbup Fri 03/11/23
( -68|-60 )Natars -68|-60276(c.t. Johnysmrtak Fri 03/11/23

Player statistics